Tag: Adobe

  • Photoshop Express

    A screenshot of the forthcoming Photoshop Express RIA sneak peeked today. (via John Nack) I could be wrong, but I have a feeling Express could be incorporated into sites like Flickr in the very near future.

  • Adobe AIR and HTML

    Adobe AIR and HTML. Snook shares some of his experiences working with Adobe AIR in building his Twitter client, Snitter.

  • Updated Information on Installing Adobe CS3

    If you are having problems installing Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3), you may want to check out the links below for additional information. This information came directly from Barry Hills (Sr. Director, Engineering and Program Mgmt, Creative Suites) via another thread here on my site. I am reposting it, and updating the other articles on this site to this information.

    Uninstall Flash Player completely:

    Make sure you have the right MacOS:

    The “Help” page for installation related issues:

    How to locate the installation log file:
    (This is very handy to have prior to calling technical support since it will help facilitate troubleshooting.)

    Also, update Acrobat to 8.1.

    If these don’t work and you still are having trouble installing a Creative Suite you have purchased and our Customer Support has not been able to help, please send me an email directly at:

    Barry Hills
    Sr. Director, Engineering and Program Mgmt
    Creative Suite

    I hope this information helps those individuals who are still struggling to install CS3. In spite of all of the problems I had installing CS3 myself, I’m glad I upgraded. I’ve really enjoyed how well the apps work together, so much so that I ended up buying InDesign CS3 as well.

    Barry, thanks for the updated information, and for being proactive on this matter. You’re restoring my faith in Adobe.

  • Deciding on which CS3 to buy.

    Before deciding to upgrade to CS3, I had a hard time trying to decide between Web Premium and Design Premium. I’m primarily a web designer these days, but I do some print work every now and again. Either version would work well for me.

    Web Premium comes with Photoshop CS3 Extended, Illustrator CS3, Acrobat 8 Professional, Flash CS3 Professional, Dreamweaver CS3, Fireworks CS3 and Contribute CS3. It retails for $1599 for the full version and $599 for the upgrade. Design Premium comes with Photoshop CS3 Extended, Illustrator CS3, Acrobat 8 Professional, Dreamweaver CS3 and InDesign CS3. It retails for $1799 for the full version and $599 for the upgrade. (Fortunately, I was upgrading from CS2 so I qualified for upgrade pricing.)


  • The Time to Act is Now

    My traffic has nearly tripled in the past two weeks. The cause? People are having LOTS of problems installing Creative Suite 3. Most of the traffic has come as a result of search engine queries. Of my top 20 search terms since April 27th, 12 have been related to CS3. Coincidence? I think not.

    cs3 install problems (37); cs3 install (20); cs3 install problem (14); cs3 installation problems (14); install CS3 (14); cs3 will not install (10); adobe cs3 installation problems (9); trouble installing cs3 (6); how to install cs3 (6); photoshop cs3 installation (5); installing cs3 (5) … and so many more…

    Adobe: The time to act is now. Loyal users are suffering silently, searching the web for any and all help they can get. You’ve offered little help. Forcing people to run CleanScripts, editing their registries, changing system permissions in order to install software in unacceptable. The CS3 Installer is broken and it needs to be fixed NOW.

    What’s the solution? Calling Support is almost out of the question. Before I even got CS3 I waited on the phone three times for 30 minutes or more. I suggest we start calling and writing and/or faxing letters to Corporate voicing our dissatisfaction. What better place to start than at the top?

    Adobe Systems Incorporated
    345 Park Avenue
    San Jose, CA 95110-2704
    Tel: 408-536-6000
    Fax: 408-537-6000

  • CS3 Install Problems are Inexcusable

    UPDATE: Additional information on installing CS3 is now available (Thanks to Barry Hills at Adobe!). Please read through the article “Additional Information on Installing CS3” for help installing CS3 on your computer.

    I’ve added a post to the site with info on using Selective Startup Mode under Windows XP to get Creative Suite 3 Web Premium to install. Hopefully it will help some of you that are struggling with getting it on your system. Article: Installing CS3 Premium

    Never before have I had this much trouble installing an application that should just work. I’ve done everything from uninstalling the Photoshop CS3 Beta, running the CleanScript for Windows XP and each and every time I try to install Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium I get “component fail” errors.This is COMPLETELY unacceptable.

    I’ve wasted way too much time trying to install applications that shouldn’t have had ANY problems at all installing.

    I’ve learned a valuable lesson from this: never beta test software from Adobe again. Photoshop CS3 Beta was their first widespread beta test of an application, and it has completely screwed things up for me.

    Ugh… I am so disgusted right now.

  • Upgrading to CS3

    adobecs3.pngCurrently I’m using Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium. On a limited basis, I’ve been testing out the Photoshop CS3 Beta and figured I should give CS3 a test drive before upgrading the rest of the guys in my department.

    I was given the go-ahead to upgrade to CS3 if I wanted to a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve struggled with what version to get. I was torn between getting the Design Premium and Web Premium versions… Honestly, I’ve been toying with the idea of not upgrading at all considering a few of the reviews I’ve read. This morning I ordered Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium (that’s a mouthful!). The source of contention in deciding which version came down to one thing: InDesign CS3.

    We do a little bit of print design at PowerServe, but most of it can be done in Photoshop and/or Illustrator without the need for InDesign. As a matter of fact, in the time I have had InDesign I have only used it for one project. (Hardly enough justification to get an upgraded version of the app.) With CS3 Web Premium I’ll gain access to Contribute CS3, Flash CS3, Fireworks CS3… which I definitely think fit in more with the kind of work I do now.

    I’m looking forward to using it, and if all works out I’ll be picking up copies of it for my three coworkers in the near future.

  • Fireworks CS3 to replace ImageReady!

    Fireworks CS3

    If AppleInsider.com’s report is correct, the forthcoming version of Fireworks will replace ImageReady in the upcoming Creative Suite 3 from Adobe.

    As part of its testing for Fireworks CS3, internally dubbed “Agni” after the Vedic god of fire, Adobe is putting to work some of the first fruits of its buyout of Macromedia in 2005. The visual editing firm has thoroughly revamped Fireworks to join its features closely with those of Photoshop CS3, people familiar with the project say, beginning with the addition of a simple tool for creating photo slideshows.

    Key to many of the other expected changes is the addition of hierarchical layer support, those same people say. Where the previous version of Fireworks assumed only basic layering and would destroy any hierarchy created in a Photoshop image, the new edition will add sub-layers for filters and other special effects that will follow their parent layer around as it moves.

    Read More…

    I can’t say I’ve messed with Fireworks much, but I’m glad to see ImageReady on its way out.

  • Special Delivery …. Oops!

    Are you sure this will work in my CDROM drive? So, umm, my Flash 8 Professional disk arrived via UPS today, and it look like somebody a) sat on my package; b) kicked my package; c) dropped something heavy on my package; d) …

    Fortunately, a quick call to Macromedia Customer Service resolved my issue. I told them about the CD issue, and they’ve got a replacement on the way. I had a pretty good experience with them. Got through quickly. They handled my issue quickly and efficiently. Should have my replacement disk soon!