
  • Wiikly Update: 7 May 2007

    Wiikly Update: Three more games added to the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console this week: Mighty Bomb Jack™ (NES®, 1 player, 500 Wii Points), Final Fight (Super NES®, 1 player, 800 Wii Points), and Ordyne™ (TurboGrafx16, 2 players, 600 Wii Points).

  • CS3 Trial Versions Now Available

    Trial versions of Adobe Creative Suite 3 are now available for download on If you’ve been thinking about whether or not you should bite the bullet and upgrade, the trial versions might be worth a look. (Hat tip: John Nack)

  • Installing CS3 Web Premium

    UPDATE: This article may be out of date. Additional information on installing CS3 is now available (Thanks to Barry Hills at Adobe!). Please read through the article “Additional Information on Installing CS3” before attempting anything on this page.

    Adobe Creative Suite 3A brief disclaimer… The following process enabled me to install Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium after more than a dozen different attempts to install the Suite on two different computers. It may or may not work for you. Before installing new software or changing your system configuration it is ALWAYS a good idea to BACKUP your current configuration before making changes. Having said that…

    UPDATE: You may need to adjust the permissions on some Registry Values in order to get CS3 to install. To do this, you’ll need to login as Administrator on your system. These keys have permissions that don’t allow anyone to write to them. Logging in as Administrator will allow you to override this. (Being logged in as a user with Administrator privileges will not work.) To access your registry editor, go to Start > Run > regedit The following registry keys were identified while trying to install Acrobat 8 Professional…

    Before making changes to any of these value, I highly suggest backing up your registry.

    • \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\AcroIEHelper.AcroIEHlprObj\CLSID
    • \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3}\InprocServer32
    • \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\TypeLib\{5F226421-415D-408D-9A09-0DCD94E25B48}\1.0\FLAGS

    This installation technique comes from an idea presented in an Adobe TechNote for installing Dreamweaver CS3 in Selective Startup Mode on Windows XP. I sincerely want to thank Jean who mentioned this technique on another blog post of mine (link).

    Before you start, I highly suggest copy the complete installation DVD to your computer. Trust me, this will cut your install times in half. (You can do this by going to My Computer, selecting the DVD, click on the icon and Ctrl+Drag the disc to your desktop. It will copy the entire disk to your desktop.)

    1. In Windows XP, click the Start button and select Run.
    2. Type msconfig in the Open field. This will bring up the System Configuration Utility dialog box.
    3. Under Selective Startup, deselect all of the check boxes except for Load System Services. Leave Use Original BOOT.INI selected.
    4. Click the Services tab and click the Disable All button to deselect all of the check boxes. There will be a few check boxes that cannot be deselected, like DCOM Server and Remote Procedure Call. Leave those selected.
    5. Still in the Services tab, enable Windows Installer.
    6. Ignore the other tabs.
    7. Click OK and restart your machine when prompted.
    8. After restarting into Selective Startup mode, install Creative Suite 3 Web Premium.
    9. Once Creative Suite 3 Web Premium has been installed, run msconfig again and specify Normal Startup Mode.
    10. Restart the machine back into Normal Startup mode and see if the problem with Creative Suite 3 Web Premium has been resolved.

    Installing software shouldn’t be this hard. My problems stemmed from having tried out the Photoshop CS3 Beta, and I knew that I was using unproven software that could cause future problems… Using this process, I was able to successfully install Creative Suite 3 Web Premium on my system. It succeeded where every other technique had failed. Hopefully it will help you get CS3 up and running on your system as well.

  • Mootools version 1.1 Released!

    Mootools version 1.1 Released! If you’re down with fancy-schmancy Javascript effects, this is one heckuva library to consider. Check out what’s new, the demos, or just download it.

  • ALA Issue 237

    ALA Issue 237: In this issue “Educate Your Stakeholders!” and “Stand and Deliver“. Must read.

  • Brief Hiatus

    Posting will be light through next week. I’ve got a number of things I’m trying to wrap up and this site can definitely be a distraction sometimes. I’ll return to my normal posting schedule soon!

  • Unacceptable


    It’s 12:30am, and I’m giving up on trying to install CS3 for the night. I’m tired and frustrated. Updating software shouldn’t be this difficult, nor should it take as long as it does. Just installing the smallest app, Contribute CS3, takes over an hour because of all of the “Components” that need to be installed. This is complete and utter nonsense.

    When I upgraded from Photoshop 7 to Creative Suite I didn’t experience any problems. When I upgraded from CS to CS2, I experience no problems. Now, because I – like so many other people – decided I’d like to try out a Beta application from Adobe, I’m getting screwed out of hours upon hours of my time – because their software simply doesn’t work like it should.

    I expect more from Adobe, and frankly this situation is making me seriously reconsider upgrading the rest of the designers in our office.

    Tomorrow morning I’ll need to spend some time trying to make sure CS2 works like it should. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before I waste any more time trying to install CS3.

  • CS3 Install Problems are Inexcusable

    UPDATE: Additional information on installing CS3 is now available (Thanks to Barry Hills at Adobe!). Please read through the article “Additional Information on Installing CS3” for help installing CS3 on your computer.

    I’ve added a post to the site with info on using Selective Startup Mode under Windows XP to get Creative Suite 3 Web Premium to install. Hopefully it will help some of you that are struggling with getting it on your system. Article: Installing CS3 Premium

    Never before have I had this much trouble installing an application that should just work. I’ve done everything from uninstalling the Photoshop CS3 Beta, running the CleanScript for Windows XP and each and every time I try to install Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium I get “component fail” errors.This is COMPLETELY unacceptable.

    I’ve wasted way too much time trying to install applications that shouldn’t have had ANY problems at all installing.

    I’ve learned a valuable lesson from this: never beta test software from Adobe again. Photoshop CS3 Beta was their first widespread beta test of an application, and it has completely screwed things up for me.

    Ugh… I am so disgusted right now.

  • Using Extensis Suitcase for Windows

    I’ve been pretty busy as of late, so I didn’t get around to writing this review because I didn’t fully make the switch from Extensis Suitcase 9.2 to Extensis Suitcase for Windows 11 until this morning. I’ve been delaying the switch for a couple of reasons:

    1. Upgrading to the new version didn’t replace Extensis Suitcase 9.2. This is bad, because it didn’t copy over all of the font sets I had created in 9.2. Recreating my font sets took time, and that’s something I haven’t had a lot of lately.
    2. A number of fonts I had loaded into 9.2 were being referenced in my C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\ directory. When I loaded the new application and copied fonts in for the first time, a number of the fonts wouldn’t activate because they were already in my system folder. I am not sure if Suitcase 9.2 did this… but it was a nuisance to go in and clean those fonts out of the system font folder.

    Now that I’ve got that out of the way… Suitcase 11 seems to be working pretty well. Auto-font activation works well with both Illustrator CS2 and Photoshop CS2. (I haven’t had a need to try out InDesign CS2…) I’ve got about 600 fonts activated currently and it appears to perform pretty well given it’s current load.

    I haven’t seen much in terms of difference between Suitcase 11 and Suitcase 9… other than the addition of the “Font Vault”. I’m not sure if that’s a compelling enough reason to get most people to upgrade.

  • Effercio 14.0.5

    Pushed a few minor updates live this morning:

    • Created a Links page that uses WordPress’ blogroll/links list functionality to handle the content. Now displays Friends, Other Stuff and Social Networks. You can view my last 10 Ma.gnolia bookmarks here as well.
    • Updated Archives page for better display.