The results are in!

7/11/2006 – UPDATE: More information on this can be found here and here.While we are pleased with the results we received from the Baby Gender Mentor test we took back in July ’05, countless others have not been so happy/lucky. If you are contemplating using the Baby Gender Mentor test, please check out the forums at you were to ask me whether or not we’d use the test again, I would most assuredly tell you no, simply because my confidence in the test and the company behind it is gone. Make up your own mind, though.

Test ResultCongratulations! You will be expecting a baby boy based on the amount of fetal genetic materials obtained from your blood specimen. Our assay has concluded that at this moment there are substantial amount of fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that you are very likely carrying at least one male fetus! Thank you for choosing BabyGenderMentor Home DNA Gender Test.

I’m still at a loss for words at how amazing our experience with the BabyGenderMentor kit has. It seems like we waited forever to get it… but it seems like we barely just sent the kit into the lab to get our results. The lab received the kit via FedEx yesterday morning at 9:38am. We had our results by 6:00pm. That’s one helluva turnaround if you ask me! My wife was hoping for a girl, as was most of her family… so I’m not trying to gloat too much around them. But I am very excited to say, I’m going to be the proud father of a baby boy in five short months!!!