Category: Personal

  • Back to Basics

    I haven’t given up on Tersus. I’m trying to get into the habit of posting more and I felt like having an incomplete theme was too much of a distraction for me (and for anyone else who might stumble across my site). In the meantime, I’ve switched to using the wonderfully designed, Twenty Eleven Twenty…

  • Meet Link

    You may have seen on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or Path… But we rescued a puppy on Friday and adopted him into our family. This is Link. Link has a Twitter: @LinkTheHeroic. We’re not 100% sure what he is, but we know his mom was a boxer. We’re thinking he might be part Lab,…

  • WallaBee Item Browser is a new location-based item game that I’ve become quite enamored with. Over the past couple of weeks, my friend Will McCain and a few others have been working on a Google Doc that documented all of the available items and mixes/recipes that are available in the game. This weekend I took the idea…

  • One Year Later

    What a difference a year makes…

  • Dwelling on the past

    Dwelling on the past distracts you from the present. 2011 was a good year for me, but I struggled personally and professionally with a number of things. Rather than rehash it all, I’ve realized that I need to learn from those experiences, try my damnedest not to repeat the mistakes that were made and head…

  • Happiness is a Yellow Balloon

    I let a balloon go in front of my son yesterday and he got really, really upset – like, “You’re not my dude anymore” upset. To me it was just a balloon. To him, it was something much more. I told him that we’d get him another one to replace it at some point. I…

  • Walk from Obesity

    In cities across the United States, individuals affected by obesity, their family members and friends, healthcare professionals and many others come together and proudly walk to raise awareness of the disease of obesity, childhood obesity and morbid obesity in the annual Walk from Obesity. On October 9th, I’ll be participating in the Augusta Walk from Obesity.…

  • Weightloss

    Officially I’m down 17.2 lbs overall, but I didn’t weigh-in this past weekend. (I’m certain I’ve gained since last weigh-in.) I’ve started making excuses for myself. I haven’t been active. I’ve been feeling pretty defeated. WeightWatchers works, but I haven’t kept track of my Points, and I’ve allowed myself to cheat far too often. When…

  • 15 Days Down

    It’s been 15 days since I started my “hiatus” from Facebook and Twitter. It hasn’t gone quite as I had hoped. I still find myself reading Twitter from time to time and I’ve played some games on Facebook, but overall my usage of both sites is significantly down. I feel like I’m missing out on…

  • Strange Encounter

    Last night, around 11:30pm, I was on the way home from picking Kim and my niece up from the Daughtry concert. We stopped at a Burger King to get something to drink and eat for the two of them. While in the drive-thru I was approached by an older woman who asked if we could…