it’s already july 8th. it’s hard to believe the year is over half over already. this year has really flown by. it’s a sunday afternoon. i woke up around 10:30 or so and played diablo 2 for about three hours. it was pretty cool. beat the first act with my paladin named gideon blade. i hadn’t played the game in such a long time. it was pretty cool to mess around with it again. it’s storming pretty badly now. i can hear the raindrops hitting the metal flashing lining the roof. the occasional thunder has been kinda nice to listen to as well. all in all, it’s been a decent day. now, i’m off to clean my room. need to go through my clothes, get em prepped for washing and then head over to my parents house. see ya later!
the walls came crumbling down
i don’t feel so good right now. i hate fighting. i hate that i don’t have control of certain situations. talk about feeling vulnerable. talk about feeling like crap. i feel like hell. i made kim cry. i’m not happy. ugh.
yesterday was nice. my aunt carole and her friend juanita were both in town for the day, and we all went and played putt putt last night. It was me, kim, aunt carole, juanita, my mom and my brother matt that played. yours truly scored a 42. not my best score, but good nonetheless. (especially when you consider how sucky i played.) my aunt got a 41. but she was the one keeping score, so her actual score comes into doubt. we had fun though. i had a good time.
this morning
went to the nutritionist this morning. it went well. my weight has stayed the same. hopefully i can start shedding some weight soon. i got my test results back from a couple of weeks ago, and they came out pretty well. my cholesterol level was only at 163 (normal) and my tests for diabetes and the tests on my liver and thyroid came back okay. which is focking great news!
i’m stoked about it. now i just need to drop some pounds and i’ll be in a lot better shape. wish me luck.
good morning
ah, good morning. the crisp, fresh smell of the morning is always nice to wake up to. too bad it will be up to 90ºF in no time today. oh well. no bother. at least i can chill inside where i work where it’s nice and cool at a controlled 68ºF
god bless america! hehe
i slept pretty well last night. woke up kinda early though. my mom called and felt like bitching at me because i told her i rescheduled my doctor’s appointment. oh well. i didn’t listen to her anyways
i’m pretty good at ignoring sometimes.
a brand new day
whoa… what’s up with the new space background? i felt like something a little different for today, plus… i was checking out the website for final fantasy: the spirits within, and the movie is blowing my mind and i haven’t seen it yet. i can’t wait until july 11th when it comes out. if you’re wondering why such an “early” update. south park is on
anyway… i need to get back to watching this and then off to bed i go. i’ll post again in the morning.
scary movie 2
i saw the first scary movie with my girlfriend, my mother, my two younger brothers and my dad a few months ago… around the time when kim and i first started dating actually… i couldn’t believe how off the wall the humor was, and just how focking funny the movie could be with it’s parodies of scream and other slasher flicks. so when my dad and my brothers asked me to go see the sequel with them today, how could i refuse? part two didn’t let me down. it mocked IT, what lies beneath, and other movies with a brand of humor that reminded me of the good ol’ days in germany where i’d watch ‘in living color’ every week. the cast was hilarious. the various situations in the movie were funny. though, the plot kinda sucked… you don’t expect it to be perfect in this kind of movie. if you get a chance to see this flick, give it a whirl. it wasn’t bad and it actually made me laugh a whole damn lot.
happy birthday usa!
wow… the united states just turned 225 today. can you believe it? it seems like it was just yesterday when i was born… two years after the country celebrated america’s bicentennial. i love the fourth of july. it’s a time to reflect on what a great country we live in and it makes me proud to be an american. it’s a time to reflect on those that fought and died to give us our freedom, and those who have constantly fought to maintain it. we live in a great country, and though we don’t get a whole lot of respect in the international scheme of things… it doesn’t matter. we’ve come this far…
wrapping up the day
as i sit here waiting for the evening to draw to a close, i’d like to take moment and reflect on my life. sometimes we take things for granted. i know i’m guilty of that. but i wanted to take the time to say: my life is pretty damn good. i have a wonderful girlfriend that loves me. i have a great family that loves me. i get along with my brother/roommate. it’s pretty nice. so.. to everyone in my life… whether they read this or not… thank you. thank you for being in my life. thank you for brightening my life.
luck. pure luck.
i don’t think my brother realizes just how lucky he is sometimes. being the immature dumbass that he can tend to be, he doesn’t think with his head a lot. i’m not going to pretend like i’m perfect by any means. i’ve got my faults. hell, i just bought alcohol tonight that i’m sure him and his friends will probably help themselves to. anyways, his friends were being loud. and i don’t mean a loud “loud”, i mean a LOUD loud. they were coming in and out of the house, and lo and behold … someone called the cops. now, before you freak out, it was an off-duty richmond county officer. but still. my brother is nineteen. a dumbass to boot. and the cops were knocking at the door because of complaints from neighbors. lucky for my brother, the guys was off-duty. otherwise, i’d be escorting him to to the police station. now, my brother didn’t learn from this. after he managed to get the cop to go away, he ended up on the phone with some friends and asked them to come over. not only were my brother and his friends being too loud… he wanted more to join the fray. god, i swear my brother needs some common sense sometimes. anyway, i got pissed at my brother after he “warned” me that others were coming over. i told him: “haven’t you learned anything from this you dumb punk? a cop came to our door because you were being too loud. you’re lucky he was off-duty, otherwise you’d be locked up right now for being drunk underage.” he shrugged at me. i told him that he wouldn’t be so lucky the next time. he won’t be.