
  • Ordered a Dell Inspiron 6000

    Just placed an order for a Dell Inspiron 6000 Notebook. Looking forward to getting it. Here are the specs of the new system..

    • Intel Pentium M 730 · 1.60Ghz/2Mb Cache/533Mhz FSB
    • 15.4 inch UltraSharp WUXGA LCD Panel
    • 512MB DDR2 SDRAM 1 Dimm (Additional 1GB DDR2 SDRAM 1 Dimm ordered separately)
    • 128MB DDR ATI’s MOBILITY? RADEON X300 PCI Express x16 Graphics
    • 80GB Hard Drive
    • Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915 Internal Wireless (802.11 a/b/g, 54Mbps)
    • 24X CD Burner/DVD Combo Drive

    I really, really, really wanted to get a Mac laptop… but I don’t have the cash to buy all new software for it right now… This’ll be a desktop replacement for me at home. I am super-psyched to be getting it!

  • One Year Later…

    A year ago today, I started with PowerServe. It’s been one helluva year, and I truly feel blessed to have done as well as I have here.

    I’ve been able to work with some fantastic clients, develop some amazing relationships with the people I work with, make more money… who could ask for more?

  • Avoiding Spyware

    From CNN:

    Nine out of 10 Internet users say they have changed their online habits to avoid spyware and other Internet-based threats, according to a study released Wednesday.

    Nearly half said they have stopped visiting particular Web sites that they suspect may deposit unwanted programs on their computers, while 25 percent say they have stopped downloading music or movies from “peer to peer” networks that may harbor spyware.

    Eighteen percent said they had switched the type of Web browser they use in order to avoid spyware.

    Read More…

  • Happy Birthday, Cold Fusion!

    On July 13, Macromedia will be celebrating the 10th birthday of ColdFusion. Happy Early Birthday CF!! )

  • Baby Gender Mentor

    7/11/2006 – UPDATE: More information on this can be found here and here.While we are pleased with the results we received from the Baby Gender Mentor test we took back in July ’05, countless others have not been so happy/lucky. If you are contemplating using the Baby Gender Mentor test, please check out the forums at you were to ask me whether or not we’d use the test again, I would most assuredly tell you no, simply because my confidence in the test and the company behind it is gone. Make up your own mind, though.Well, we’re biting the bullet and opting to try out the Baby Gender Monitor Mentor. After hearing about it on ABC World News tonight, and watching the Today Show video on the website, we’re sold on the idea of trying out the Baby Gender Mentor to determine whether our little bundle of joy will be a boy or a girl. We’ll let you know how it turns out.

  • Google Maps API Released

    I thought this was pretty interesting…

    From If you’re a Javascript geek or a web publisher who wants to get a Google Map onto your site, Google’s just announced the Google Maps API that enables all sorts of creative mapping with assurance that it won’t break as soon as Google changes their code. See the Google Maps roundup for examples of Google Map applications.

    The world is your JavaScript-enabled oyster [GoogleBlog]

  • Google Earth

    Google just released a rebranded version of the Keyhole product they purchased recently. It’s basically a free app to use, but there is a Plus and Pro version available for an extra fee.

    I think it’s a cool app, but Google Maps is more than suitable for my needs. Google Earth does a lot more, but I really don’t feel like running another app on my system just to access its additional features. It’s worth checking out though. It’s pretty incredible to zoom up close to where you work or where you live and see it from above. Hey, is that my car in the driveway…? hehe…

  • 50 Coolest Websites of 2005

    Time Magazine selects the 50 Coolest Websites of 2005 in this online feature. Check out their picks for the best in Arts & Entertainment, Blogs, Lifestyle, Health & Hobbies, News & Information, and Shopping.

    (Hat tip: Zeldman)

    My personal favorites from the list:

    • Lifehacker – Always unusually useful ideas for hacking your life, to make living easier. Always insightful and informative, Lifehacker’s a great blog from Gawker Media.
    • Orisinal – Awesome original flash games. Highly addictive IMHO.
  • CSS Preview Page

    Tuck this away into your back of web dev goodies: a CSS Preview page. Perfect for testing what the most basic elements of HTML look like when using your stylesheets.

  • Quicktime 7 Public Preview Available

    Apple has posted Quicktime 7 for Windows Public Preview online. If you own the Pro version of Qt6 or QT6.5 you may want to hold off on installing it.