What’s Apple got up it’s sleeves now? Rumors are flying about a possible Video iPod, a Video-enabled AirPort Express, and more… What do you think it might be?Apple
One More Thing…
Subscribe to iCalendars in Outlook 2003
Heck yeah! Got further validation that I am a GEEK. I am absolutely giddy about news that I received via email from Daniele Tiles about the SourceForge Project: RemoteCalendars.
RemoteCalendars is a COM-.NET Add-in for Outlook 2003, written in C#. After installing this plugin, every Outlook user should be able to subscribe, reload and delete a generic remote iCalendar (RFC 2445) from Outlook 2003.
This is what I’ve wanted for quite some time for Outlook. It’s definitely going to make Basecamp more usable for me… now that I can subscribe to project Calendars and get an overview of what’s going on in Outlook, or on my PDA.Daniele – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for building this. You’re my hero.
Pregnancy Update
Things are going well for Kim and the Baby! She enters the 3rd trimester on Wednesday. We’re both excited to be so close to the end.
Life threw us a curveball over the weekend. We discovered that the Baby Gender Mentor might not be as accurate as we previously thought. A recent report on NPR and posts on several websites, including in-Gender.com, have caused us to seriously doubt the results we were given back in July. We’ve invested a lot of time and money in getting ready for a boy. If Kim has a girl, we won’t be devestated, but we’ll definitely be inconvenienced at the start.
To avoid any issues, we decided to give a local company – Prenatal Imaging – a try. They specialize in 3D ultrasounds. Hopefully, they’ll be able to give us better insight as to what Kim and I should be expecting.
I know it’s a little weird to be so concerned about what the gender will be. I wish we could be more patient like my boss and his wife were (who recently gave birth to a baby girl!). They didn’t know what the baby would be til she came into this world. I’m too inpatient, though. I’m like a kid at Christmas. I see the present. I want to know what’s inside. Know what I mean?
Anyway, we’re going for the u/s appointment on Thursday at 4pm. It’s not cheap, but it could give us some piece of mind. Kim’s got enough stress on her as it is. She doesn’t need to be worrying about what’s inside her, too. (Because that’s all she’s stewed over all weekend.)
Writeboard is here.
Looks like the guesses were right: Writeboard is here. As usual, 37Signals has created something useful AND easy to use. This new online application offering allows for online collaboration with text documents. The interface is really clean, simple and well thought out.
I setup my first Writeboard in about 5 seconds. I started writing text to my Writeboard in under a minute. Now, if I wanted I could invite others to collaborate on my document, export the text to a text file, or send it to myself via email.
Probably one of the coolest features of Writeboard is the ability to have version control on documents. This is has been heavily requested as a feature for Basecamp, and I hope they are able to incorporate it there because it would be very useful. Best thing about Writeboard? It’s free!
Update 7:39am: It looks like they’ve added Writeboards to Backpack as well. I finally took some time to read the Writeboard homepage to find out more about the app.
Update 10:00am: The official Writeboard product announcement can be found here: http://37signals.com/svn/archives2/writeboard_is_live.php
Nice job, again, 37Signals.
Is Writeboard Coming Soon?
At least one person seems to think so. Steve Rubel over at MicroPersuasion writes:
37Signals – the geniuses behind Ta-daList, BackPack and BaseCamp – plan to launch a new Web-app next week called Writeboard. Some are speculating that it will resemble Writely – an AJAX-based collaborative word processor. Writeboard’s tagline is “Write, share, revise, compare.” Sure sounds wiki-like to me.
I am really looking forward to seeing what Writeboard can do. As a user of all three of 37Signals’ product offerings I can tell you – these guys know how to build for the web. When/if Writeboard is announced, I will be sure to post a mini-review of it here.
Yahoo! Site Explorer
Via Lifehacker:
Yahoo!’s launched Site Explorer, a beta search application that displays all the pages from a given web site that exist in Yahoo’s index, as well as all the recorded inbound links to that site.
Aimed at webmasters, Site Explorer offers the page results in a text tab-delimited file for analysis, so that web publishers can determine which pages on their site are missing from the index. Interesting tidbit: Yahoo! Site Explorer lists 10,881 inbound links to Lifehacker whereas Technorati has recorded 2,127. Go ahead and type your favorite site into Site Explorer to give it a whirl.
How Google Killed Urchin
Give it up for the guys over at TextDrive: They’ve declared war on Google and Urchin.
In case you haven’t heard, TextDrive’s been having problems renewing a license they had for using Urchin’s stat software. It seems Urchin just doesn’t want their money. Well, this slight of hand has prompted TextDrive to take action: they’re going to build a better stats package.
I’ve been following a thread over here at the TextDrive forum about Urchin refusing to let TextDrive pay them money to renew/upgrade their datacenter license. There are currently around 5000 domains hosted on TextDrive.
Since about mid-August or so, the fine staff have called, e-mailed, and otherwise tried to hunt down someone at Urchin that could help them pay the company money.
Since the Google acquisition, it seems that Urchin has moved datacenters and is “re-evaluating” their pricing model. Looks like they’re pushing hard for a subscription-based, Hosted model.
Some have called it a case of David vs. Goliath, I’m calling it plain common sense. If a company can’t deliver what you need, make something better! I can’t wait to see what TextDrive comes up with. Kick some butt, guys.
Anchorman 1.0 Konfabulator Widget
UPDATE 9/29: Anchorman 1.0 is now included in the Widget Gallery! WooHoo! Download it here.
With the help of Scott Villemain, I’ve put together a Ron Burgundy widget for use with Konfabulator. It doesn’t do much other than play over a dozen sound clips from the movie, but then – who cares? (You’re so wise… you’re like a little Buddha, covered in hair.)
I just submitted the widget to Konfabulator’s Widget Gallery, but I have no idea when/if it will be accepted for inclusion into the gallery… so, without further adieu…
Download Anchorman 1.0 (Unzip and put the Widget in your My Widgets folder…)
Pardon the Mess
Messing with some stylesheet settings. Well aware of the IE rendering issues… stupid Box Model… bah!
The Iconfactory Rocks
I just had to say that… They really do.
Purchased a stock icon set today, for use in a design project I am working on. Got a call from Talos Tsui, one of the Principals over at The IconFactory to confirm my order within a few moments of placing it. That’s great customer service. That puts the human touch on something that could otherwise been completely devoid of human interaction.