Woohoo… I’m a Certified HTML Developer according to W3Schools.com now… took an “exam” that covered three topics: CSS, HTML and XHTML – and passed! (Got 66 of 70 questions right.) I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t do better, but I don’t think my results were that bad, especially considering I did absolutely no studying whatsoever before I took the test.
Google, Comcast looking to invest in AOL?
Oct 12, 2005 – By Kenneth Li
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Google Inc and Comcast Corp. are in discussions to buy a minority stake in Time Warner’s America Online, two sources close to the deal said on Wednesday.
A deal would create a formidable challenge to Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. , with whom AOL is also having separate discussions over a joint venture.
The combination would marry Time Warner’s trove of programming and Google’s popular search and e-mail services with Comcast’s high speed Internet portal and experience in cable video distribution and telecommunications.
Time Warner and Comcast declined comment. A Google spokesman declined comment on the talks, adding, “Google and AOL have a healthy global partnership and AOL remains a valued partner.”
One source warned that the discussions over a joint investment were still in its early stages and could fall apart.
(Hat tip: GoogleRumors)
Brief Observations on the Oct. 12 Apple Event
John Gruber had a lot of interesting stuff to note aboot yesterday’s Apple Special Event:
- The new iPods do not support FireWire. Not just no FireWire cables in the box; no FireWire, period. Such is the price of smaller and thinner, I suppose.
- Highest capacity iPod is still 60 GB. There certainly exists a market of people who want larger capacity iPods (I know at least four people personally who can’t fit their entire libraries on a 60 GB drive … and I don’t have many friends), but I don’t think Apple sees this as a significant selling point. Thinner and lighter seems to be what Apple thinks will sell … and judging by the Nano’s popularity, they’re almost certainly right.
Meet Tyler Douglas Harrison
Last week, Kim and I went to Prenatal Imaging in Martinez, GA to get a 4-D Sonogram done.We took this step for two reasons. First, there was a degree of uncertainty starting to surround the Baby Gender Mentor test we had done in July. (The test reported we had a boy, but there’s some concern about the validity of the Baby Gender Mentor test.) Secondly, there was a degree of curiosity as to what the baby might look like inside of Kim’s body.The 4-D Sonogram was awesome.I met Kim at the Prenatal Imaging offices at 4pm on Thursday afternoon. They had Kim fill out some paperwork and select a plan. They then escorted us to the songram room where Kim’s parents, sister and brother-in-law, my mom, and our niece Meaghan joined us. They helped Kim up onto the examination table and laid her down. For 35 minutes we were able to sit and watch as they “peered” into Kim’s tummy. It was awesome, awe-inspiring thing to watch. Little Tyler’s already very active. He moved a lot inside of Kim. We got to watch him suck his thumb… and yawn… and stick out his tongue… It was amazing at how much detail the 4-D Sonogram picked up.We’re anxiously awaiting his arrival now. Kim is 29 weeks along, and we’re expecting to have Tyler delivered by C-Section sometime on or around 12/20-21.Our next session is scheduled for November 12th. I’ll post pics and video from that session as soon as I have it available to me :)
AOL Triton Update
It looks like AOL is giving it’s popular Instant Messaging app: AOL Instant Messenger a brand makeover. The logo shown to the right features the new AIM “speech balloon” that is prevalent in marketing materials promoting the new AIM Triton Beta client.
I’m surprised that AOL has taken this step to brand AIM more than it has in the past. In the past, they only used the little AIM “buddy” as the logo… but the new materials seem to either place him in a less significant role, or eliminate him altogether. But I guess they see AIM as being more central in their future plans.
Yahoo Unveils Podcast Site
Yahoo! revealed its own Podcast website. You can search through podcasts, tag em, and subscribe to them all through our browser.
Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Beta 2 Released
You can snag it here: Mozilla.org I plan on downloading it as soon as I get into work. I had some rendering issues with Beta 1, that I hope have been improved upon. One of the issues being able to access authenticated feeds.
Upcoming.org is a social event calendar, completely driven by people like you. Manage your events, share events with friends and family, and syndicate your calendar to your own site.
Note to self: add to that: Upcoming.org is now a part of Yahoo!
Another great concept for the web was snatched up by one of the big guys. Yahoo!’s been on a buying spree lately. Wanna make some fast cash???? Quick… start a ‘Web 2.0? company, build an app on Ruby on Rails, and build up a lot of hype around it. Yahoo! or one of the other major players will be around to buy you in no time!
All joking aside… congrats to the Upcoming.org team. It’ll be interesting to see what they’ll be able to accomplish now with the support of Yahoo!
(Hat tip: 43 Folders)