
  • New Year, New Ride

    Yep, I broke down and got another truck. I wasn’t ready to get rid of my old truck, just yet. But the fact that the work truck package I had wouldn’t address the needs of our family (i.e. being able to fit a car seat in the rear seat), we had to get something different.

    I picked this truck up from Master Pontiac-GMC in Augusta, GA. It’s a 2006 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE. Color: Stealth Gray Metallic. Interior: Charcoal Gray fabric. It’s the nicest vehicle I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. Thank God for giving me the ability to be able to afford something like it. I know that others are not so fortunate.

  • Performancing

    Will wrote about Performancing it on his blog, and I thought I would mention it too… Performancing is a cool Firefox extension that brings a blog editor directly into Firefox. I was able to configure it in moments for use with Blogger. You may want to check it out…
  • Goodbye Mac IE

    Internet Explorer for Mac icon

    Hallelujah, say goodbye to browser that was ahead of its time when it first came out, but suffered when Microsoft end-of-lifed it…. The Unofficial Apple Weblog had this to say:

    All support for the Macintosh version of Internet Explorer will cease on December 31, 2005 and all official distribution of the browser will cease on January 31, 2006. In other words, IE is finally dying. You won’t be able to download it from Microsoft anymore. Instead they will recommend that you use Safari or Firefox.

    On a broader note, this means that fewer sites can justify having IE only versions of their sites. They cannot say, “Well, get IE for Mac and it should work.” No. Start clean-coding your sites for Firefox and Safari compatibility or lose 6 percent (and growing) of your customers.

    Official Microsoft Internet Explore for Mac Page

    This has been a long time coming, if you ask me. I used to love using MacIE, especially because it was so easy to change the color themes… but it ceased being a viable browser several years ago. Trying to support it nowadays is more trouble than it is worth. Yes, some Mac users still use it as their browser, but they are in a shrinking minority. They’re going to need to get used to seeing a web that is broken, because their browser is antiquated.

    Rest in Peace, MacIE.

  • It’s nice to be home again

    How time flies…

    Tyler was born nearly a week ago. Hard to imagine sometimes. If all had gone according to the “schedule” we had, Tyler wouldn’t be here for another 2 days, 19 hours.

    I brought Kim and Tyler home on Wednesday, and it’s been an adventure for the three of us. It’s really good to be home, and not in a hospital. (Though, the folks over at St. Joseph Hospital were awesome! The staff in the NICU, Labor & Delivery, and the Madonna Wing, were all phenomenal. The level of care Kim and Tyler received, was unlike anything I had ever experienced at a hospital before.)

    This first week with Tyler has been awesome. It’s had its highs and lows, but I thank God that my little boy is finally here. I can’t imagine life without him.

    A Recap

    • 12/11 @ 2230: We brought Kim to St. Joseph Hospital because of some lower back pain she was experiencing.
    • 12/11 @ 2241: Tyler is delivered via an emergency c-section.
    • 12/11 @ 2245: Tyler is rushed to the NICU because of complications during delivery. It was discovered that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck several times. Kim’s doctor indicated that if we had waited much longer, Tyler could have been in terrible shape (or even dead).
    • 12/11-12/13: Tyler was in the NICU under observation/treatment for the breathing difficulities he was experiencing.
    • 12/13: Tyler leaves the NICU and joins Kim in her room.
    • 12/14: Tyler and Kim come home!

    Keeping the faith

    I broke down in tears when the doctor told me that there was a chance we could have lost Tyler if we hadn’t come in. God truly was watching over us that night. The whole ordeal served to strengthen my faith, and further trust in the Lord. Kim and I said a prayer before she went into the operating room… Every single moment of our lives serves to bring us closer to Him, no matter how joyous or painful the situation might be.

    It was God’s plan that Tyler might come early to us. That we would go to the hospital early so that his life might be spared before it even began. Praise be to Him for His glory! I’m glad we listened to the concerns in our heart; that we went to the hospital when we did, even though we fully expected nothing to go on.

    Everything happens for a reason.

    Where’d the pictures go?

    Right after the delivery, I posted well over 150 pictures to my Flickr account and they were easily accessible by anyone. While this is awesomely convenient, I have no idea who might be looking at them. Call me possessive, but that thought scared me a little bit. There are some crazy people out there… I do have a significant number of photos available to friends and family on my site and on flickr, but I need to control access to them (I hope you’ll understand.) Drop me an email (if you know the address) or use the contact form on this site to send me a note. I’ll let you know how to access the photos )

  • I’m a daddy!

    At 11:35pm last night, doctors did an emergency c-section on Kim. At 11:41pm, we welcomed Tyler Douglas Harrison into this world. Words cannot describe how much joy I have right now.

    I’ve posted a couple of pics of him on Flickr, and will hopefully post more when I have time.

  • You build it, they’ll buy it.

    Joshua Schachter:

    We’re proud to announce that has joined the Yahoo! family. Together we’ll continue to improve how people discover, remember and share on the Internet, with a big emphasis on the power of community. We’re excited to be working with the Yahoo! Search team – they definitely get social systems and their potential to change the web. (We’re also excited to be joining our fraternal twin Flickr!)

    You build it, they’ll buy it. Sheesh.

  • RSS Feed URL Updated

    I’ve been testing out feedburner for a little while… I’ve updated my RSS feed for my blog posts…

    If you use a feed-reader of some sort to subscribe to my feed, please update the address. Gracias.

  • Congratulations, Augusta.

    I’ve steered clear of discussing politics in my blog for quite some time. I find it good practice to do so, unless your blog happens to be about politics. This was too good to pass up.

    Augustans voted for change the other day. They elected Deke Copenhaver as their next mayor. Why’s this important? Deke was an unknown, an outsider to Augusta politics. That’s a good thing for Augusta.

    Congratulations, Deke. Let’s see what you can do…

  • Gmail supports RSS Feeds

    Quick post before I leave for home… Gmail now supports RSS feeds, aka “Web Clips”. It’s nice to see this addition. Read more about it here.

  • Google: Ten Golden Rules

    It’s the 21st century, and with it has come some new ways of doing business. Google is showing that big billion-dollar businesses do not have to be bureaucratic. Google’s setup a sort of mini-democracy, where every employee has a say in how things are done. They are more concerned about the well-being of their engineers, than they are about their bankers or money managers. The CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has put together a summary of the way things at Google are done.

    1. Hire by Committee
    2. Cater to their every need.
    3. Pack them in.
    4. Make coordination easy.
    5. Eat your own dog food.
    6. Encourage creativity.
    7. Strive to reach consensus.
    8. Don’t be evil.
    9. Data drive decisions.
    10. Communicate effectively.

    Hat tip: