How time flies…
Tyler was born nearly a week ago. Hard to imagine sometimes. If all had gone according to the “schedule” we had, Tyler wouldn’t be here for another 2 days, 19 hours.
I brought Kim and Tyler home on Wednesday, and it’s been an adventure for the three of us. It’s really good to be home, and not in a hospital. (Though, the folks over at St. Joseph Hospital were awesome! The staff in the NICU, Labor & Delivery, and the Madonna Wing, were all phenomenal. The level of care Kim and Tyler received, was unlike anything I had ever experienced at a hospital before.)
This first week with Tyler has been awesome. It’s had its highs and lows, but I thank God that my little boy is finally here. I can’t imagine life without him.
A Recap
- 12/11 @ 2230: We brought Kim to St. Joseph Hospital because of some lower back pain she was experiencing.
- 12/11 @ 2241: Tyler is delivered via an emergency c-section.
- 12/11 @ 2245: Tyler is rushed to the NICU because of complications during delivery. It was discovered that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck several times. Kim’s doctor indicated that if we had waited much longer, Tyler could have been in terrible shape (or even dead).
- 12/11-12/13: Tyler was in the NICU under observation/treatment for the breathing difficulities he was experiencing.
- 12/13: Tyler leaves the NICU and joins Kim in her room.
- 12/14: Tyler and Kim come home!
Keeping the faith
I broke down in tears when the doctor told me that there was a chance we could have lost Tyler if we hadn’t come in. God truly was watching over us that night. The whole ordeal served to strengthen my faith, and further trust in the Lord. Kim and I said a prayer before she went into the operating room… Every single moment of our lives serves to bring us closer to Him, no matter how joyous or painful the situation might be.
It was God’s plan that Tyler might come early to us. That we would go to the hospital early so that his life might be spared before it even began. Praise be to Him for His glory! I’m glad we listened to the concerns in our heart; that we went to the hospital when we did, even though we fully expected nothing to go on.
Everything happens for a reason.
Where’d the pictures go?
Right after the delivery, I posted well over 150 pictures to my Flickr account and they were easily accessible by anyone. While this is awesomely convenient, I have no idea who might be looking at them. Call me possessive, but that thought scared me a little bit. There are some crazy people out there… I do have a significant number of photos available to friends and family on my site and on flickr, but I need to control access to them (I hope you’ll understand.) Drop me an email (if you know the address) or use the contact form on this site to send me a note. I’ll let you know how to access the photos