I downloaded and installed the newly released Habari 0.2 Developer Review on a test domain, and I’m impressed. Setup took less time than a typical WordPress install. Importing posts, pages and comments from my existing WP site took only a few moments. While I don’t think I’ll be making the switch to Habari just yet, I will definitely be taking steps towards migrating this site over to it soon.
Metro Spirit Hiring Graphic Designer
The Metro Spirit is looking for a Graphic Designer. If you’re interested in the position, hit Stacey Hudson up with an email for more information.
Nintendo Rocks
Nintendo rocks. Seriously.Some time ago, my father-in-law started experiencing randomly shutdowns while playing games (even while fully charged) on his DS Lite. He mentioned it to me for the first time tonight, and I took a look at it. Sure enough… most of the time I hit the B button, it would shut itself off. I briefly searched online to see if anyone else had been experiencing this same sort of problem to no avail.So I called up Nintendo and explained the situation to them. They looked the system up to see when it had been purchased and the representative told me it just went out of warranty a couple of days – but not to worry… they were going to repair and/or replace the DS Lite anyways! You don’t know how happy that made me. A new or repaired DS Lite will be on its way in 2-3 weeks. Can you ask for anything better?I had read stories about how good Nintendo was to its customers, and this was the first time experiencing it first-hand. It makes me glad to own a Nintendo Wii, a DS and a DS Lite. I know the money went to a company that will definitely take care of its customers.Thank you, Nintendo.
Never attack the guy with the microphone
Never attack the guy with the microphone. (Contains Strong Language)
Webmaster Jam Session Adds Additional Sessions
The Webmaster Jam Session added a few more sessions to the schedule, along with information on a few Platinum Sessions. Are you attending? Hope to see you there! (View Agenda via Google Calendar)
Updated Information on Installing Adobe CS3
If you are having problems installing Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3), you may want to check out the links below for additional information. This information came directly from Barry Hills (Sr. Director, Engineering and Program Mgmt, Creative Suites) via another thread here on my site. I am reposting it, and updating the other articles on this site to this information.
Uninstall Flash Player completely:
http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn _14157 Make sure you have the right MacOS:
http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId =kb401617&sliceId=1 The “Help” page for installation related issues:
http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/microsites/searchEntry.do ?locale=LA_eng_US&publicat ionstatus=KCP_Publish& ;usemicrosite=true&cmd =search&product=SG_CREATIV ESUITE_1_1&searchString =installerµsiteId=MS _Customer How to locate the installation log file:
(This is very handy to have prior to calling technical support since it will help facilitate troubleshooting.)Also, update Acrobat to 8.1.
If these don’t work and you still are having trouble installing a Creative Suite you have purchased and our Customer Support has not been able to help, please send me an email directly at:
Barry Hills
Sr. Director, Engineering and Program Mgmt
Creative SuiteI hope this information helps those individuals who are still struggling to install CS3. In spite of all of the problems I had installing CS3 myself, I’m glad I upgraded. I’ve really enjoyed how well the apps work together, so much so that I ended up buying InDesign CS3 as well.
Barry, thanks for the updated information, and for being proactive on this matter. You’re restoring my faith in Adobe.
Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, A Parody
Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, A Parody. A must-have addition to my growing collection of books…
Adobe ColdFusion 8 Released
It’s official, Adobe ColdFusion 8 is out. A Developer Edition (for AIX, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Windows) is available if you’d like to try it out.