Author: Chris Harrison

  • MAJOR Updates Underway

    MAJOR updates underway. Revamped the site shell. Reorganized the pages. Reorganized my stylesheet. Reworked all of my template files. Welcome to Version 8.0. An interesting sidenote to this is — I’m finally using Dreamweaver MX to work on the site… It saves a lot of time being able to work in one program opposed to…

  • iTunes Giveaway

    Surely by now you’ve heard of the new Itunes/Pepsi promotion going on. I just ran by the Bi-Lo on Fury’s Ferry and snagged two winners. Thank you for “Hey Ya!” and “Clocks”!! God I love those songs. Not sure where the songs are available? One place you might want to check out is: IPodGarage. They’ve…

  • Stuff

    It’s been a couple of days since I posted anything on the website. It has been a rather hectic week for me. I’ve been working pretty diligently on two sites that I hope to preview on here next week. Work’s been keeping me extremely busy. I’ve had late nights 3 out of 5 nights this…

  • Happy Holidays

    An experience I had today made me appreciate all the things in my life that much more. Several co-workers and I volunteered today at the Golden Harvest Food Bank here in Augusta, Georgia. I was sad to see that so many people needed a service like the food bank provides daily, but I was extremely…

  • Ho Ho Ho, Merry Freakin’ Christmas

    Life teaches us countless lessons. In my twenty-two short years, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. But through each one, there was always one constant — my family has remained supportive of me. I suppose the lesson that I’ve learned and kept closest to my heart is that there is nothing more important than friends…

  • The best thing to happen to me.

    you know, i just realized something — i really haven’t talked about my kim much, since i started littering this site with my posts. kim is such an important part of my life, and i love her so much. you’d think i would write about her more here, but for one reason or another ……

  • anthrax… bah…

    a lot can happen in two months. our whole world has changed. i’ve changed. we’re a little more cautious then we were before. we’re a little more weary of the world around us. we’re never going to be the same again. as our soldiers pound afghanistan with missiles and bombs, and descimate any kind of…

  • Updates galore.

    just kidding but seriously… it’s the end of yet another week. you cannot imagine how relieved that makes me. i had way too much going on this week, and i am ready for some sleep.

  • i told ya’ll i’d be busy…

    hehe… i said “ya’ll”. shoot me, please. the past week has been pretty hectic. i’ve got a few projects that are finally getting wrapped up and i’ll be glad to get them out of the way. i really need to spend some more time with my girlfriend. i’ve been neglecting her as of late. but…

  • more i told ya’ll i’d be busy…

    just performed a major hardware upgrade on my computer. i worked out a deal with some friends of mine to do some design work for a new hard drive. it’ll be nice to have some extra room on my system to play with. (my mp3 collection tends to stretch the limits of my main hard…