Happy New Year

Well, I’m only a day late. I stayed away from the computer yesterday. Sue me. ;)

It’s 2006 already. Hard to believe, isn’t it? 2005 was a great year for me. 2006 can be even better. We all tend to make resolutions at the start of each year… I thought I’d make mine public. Next year, I’ll do a review to see how each resolution stacked up. That is, if my resolution for this year of eliminating procrastination from my vocabulary succeeds…

  1. Be a better father.
  2. Be a better husband.
  3. Lose weight.
  4. Excercise more.
  5. Grow closer to God.
  6. Read through the entire Bible this year.
  7. Finish books I’ve started and not finished.
  8. Stop procrastinating. (Maybe tomorrow?)
  9. Stop being so impulsive.