Digital Shopping Cards
Problem: Carrying around shopping cards is a pain in the ass. They take up room either in your wallet, purse or keychain. They’re easy to lose. Solution: Digital Shopping Cards. As long as you have a mobile device with you, you have the card(s) with you. These could be stored in a dedicated application, or…
WordPress for iPhone
I’m typing this from the WordPress for iPhone app (http://iphone.wordpress.net). When I first heard about this app, I was excited. As good as some of the plugins are to make the WP admin more “iPhriendly”, they’re far from perfect. I think this app has a lot of potential, but it’s far from ideal.
Why I Still Won’t be Getting an iPhone
PCWorld offered up 5 Reasons to Buy the iPhone 3G and I’m here to tell you why I won’t be buying into the hype. Before I go on, I should note that I own an 8GB iPod touch and use a Motorola E815 on the Alltel network. This article specifically addresses the points made in…
Bought an iPhone? Get your Apple Store Credit.
Bought an iPhone? Get your Apple Store Credit. Given that they’re using SMS for this… I wonder if people that have used hacks to liberate the iPhone from AT&T will be able to receive the rebate…
iPhone owners to get $100 credit
Fact: Early adopters always pay too much for new technology. Yesterday’s announcement that the iPhone would be receiving a $200 price drop created a pretty strong backlash. Enough so that an Open Letter to iPhone Owners from Steve Jobs was posted to the Apple website today. Long story short, if you bought an iPhone anytime…
Cisco and Apple Settle
So, the Apple v. Cisco showdown has finally been resolved. Hallelujah. AppleInsider – Cisco and Apple settle iPhone trademark dispute Cisco and Apple said Wednesday that they have resolved their dispute involving the “iPhone” trademark. Why do I get the impression that this is far from over? Sure, they’ve declared a cease-fire… but what’s going…