I made some minor changes to the site this morning. Notably, the site is no longer 640px wide. I opted to increase the overall width to 960px so that I could add a sidebar. As I develop this iteration out further, the reason I added the sidebar will be more apparent. I have done no browser testing as of yet. I would be surprised if the site wasn’t broken, but don’t fret… change is coming. I appreciate your patience.
Tag: cdharrison
I finally took the plunge and switched over to using Sandbox for WordPress. I’m hoping to have some time over the coming weeks to apply my own design to it… for the time being, this one will work. Stay tuned.
A Mini-Design Update
You may or may not have noticed, but I rolled out a few design changes shortly after I upgraded to WordPress 2.2 yesterday morning.
- I changed the color scheme a bit. Went from a dark blue background with white text to a white background with black text. It’s not a major change, but I’m hoping it’ll help with readability. More significant changes will probably be coming in the next week or so. (I’m still trying to wrap up a few projects I’ve been working on for a while, so depending on how quickly those are finished will determine how soon I get to play again with the site design.)
- I reworked how Comments and Pings/Trackbacks are displayed on individual post items. Previously, trackbacks were displayed inline with regular comments. Now, they’re not. They used to be included in
s, now they’re in an<ol>
. (These are subtle changes, I know, but I’m trying to improve the semantics in the markup for the site.)
The way I’m versioning the site is sort of weird – and pretty arbitrary – to be honest with you. I’m calling this Version 14.1.0 because of some improvements I made in the code structure for my site template and some CSS changes that I made. But the reality is, I have no idea what version the site is at currently. Hopefully I can do a better job at explaining some more of the changes I make in the near future.
(Thanks, Matt, for the nudge to do this.)
Browse the Archives
I added an Archives page to the site last night. You can now easily view posts on cdharrison.com by Month or by Category/Subject. A few of the earlier posts you’ll find in the archives appeared as part of a column I had in the Augusta State University student newspaper, The Bell Ringer.
Hosting Options
I’m currently hosting my site on a company server. It’s been great so far, and I have lots of flexibility with what I can do with my site because of where it is situated, but I’m getting to the point where I may have outgrown our servers. Traffic spikes are a major concern for many site owners these days… If content gets dugg, it could easily bring a site down. I won’t say that a lot of my content is compelling, but there have been a few things I’ve posted recently that I’ve had to explicitly ask for it not to be submitted to digg.com. The reason? I don’t want the server I have my site on to be overwhelmed or any of our client sites to be effected by a sudden surge in traffic.
So, I’m going to start shopping around for a new host. I’ve been looking into MediaTemple and DreamHost, but I wanted to see where I could get the most bang for my buck. Where are you currently hosting your site at? What features do you like about your current host? Why would you recommend them over someone else?
RSS Feed URL Updated
I’ve been testing out feedburner for a little while… I’ve updated my RSS feed for my blog posts…
http://feeds.feedburner.com/cdharrisonIf you use a feed-reader of some sort to subscribe to my feed, please update the address. Gracias.