ooh… i should be like destiny’s child and make a song about that. that would really suck huh? well, prolly not nearly as much as they uck, but that’s just my opinion. sorry for the lack of updates. the past two days have been pretty damn busy for me. aside from trying to revamp a client’s site at work (partridgeinn.com), i’m also trying to finish up the revamp of the sga site, spend time with my girl and playing some diablo 2: lords of destruction. aside from that i’ve so had so very little time to spend on the site okay, i admit it, if i didn’t play any d2 i’d have plenty of time
will update more later. gotta get back to work.
busy, busy, busy
Happy Anniversary
kim and i celebrate seven months together today… started dating on december 13th 2000 and she’s made me one of the happiest guys alive. i love you kim. can’t wait to see you tomorrow night!
good morning!
i love the smell of commerce in the morning. oh, wait. no i don’t. sorry about that. having a ‘mallrats’ flashback. it’s 9:15am and i’m chilling here at work trying to plan out my schedule for the day. got to go to the docs at 1 and i think that’s going to take up most of the afternoon. i’ll prolly work this weekend some. who knows?
Condit Go Bye-Bye?
being a political science major i felt i should throw my two cents in with the whole representative condit thing…
whether he killed chandra levy or not, this guy is committing political suicide. he’ll never work in the field of politics again unless he is completely and totally cleared of the allegations that he is somehow involved in the disappearance of his former intern/lover. now the media is calling this guy a womanizer… quite a few women have come forward admitting they have had affairs with codit… how could this guy let this situation spin out of control like this? how could he allow himself to sping so far out of control?
whether he is guilty or innocent, the public sees him as a politician gone bad, sex crazy even. he can count on failing to get re-elected. his career in politics is over.
i overslept
well, today didn’t start out too great. i woke up at around 7:15 this morning and i was still a little tired, so i decided i would set me tv alarm to go off a little later. in my semi-dazed state i ended up setting the alarm to off at 7:00am instead of 8:00am and I overslept. I crawled out of bed knowing something wasn’t quite right. I cut the tv on, and lo and behold… it was focking 9:07am. Crap. I grabbed a shirt from my closet and a paid of pants off the floor, slipped my shoes on a jetted out the door.
it sucks when you get rushed like that. my own fault though, really.
another long day
damn… it really sucks to be busy all damn day long. i’m tired. but not to the point where i can go to sleep just yet. it’s kinda like what happened to me yesterday. i was tired as hell when i got home, but i stayed up. and then when it came time for me to actually go to bed, i couldn’t sleep. perhaps, it was because i was just too unbelievably tired to fall asleep. who knows? anyways… i stayed up rather late last night working on a few websites. the first was a redesign i’ve been working on for asu’s student government association. i designed last school year’s site (http://www.aug.edu/sga), and was approached by the new president to update the look a bit. you can find the new work in progress at: http://www.aug.edu/sga/v2/. it’s got a much different look and i’m really excited about the possibilities. i’ve run into a few roadblocks hosting wise. i may need to host the site through my companies’ web server if i can’t get server-sides enabled on the school servers… I was also working on sites for some clients of ours at ddcom. the first was sandy springs internal medicine… you can view the concept for that site at: http://www.double-dot.com/dev/ssim/. i’m still kinda iffy on the design for this one, and i may tweak it before the project is wrapped up, but it’s a good start nonetheless. the other site i worked on was one for a local restaurant in town called villa europa. their site is in dire need of a revamp, so i’ve been working on updating the look. their old site can be viewed at: http://www.villaeuropa.com. my new work in progress is up at http://www.villaeuropa.com/v2. i was still working on some finishing touches for the concept up until 5:30 this evening. so far so good. it’s definitely an improvement over the original (and another concept i did at http://www.villaeuropa.com/new/. anyways, that’s all for now. i’ve rambled enough. i’ll try and post again before night’s end. ttfn.
late update
wow… it’s just a few moments past 7pm and i’m just now updating my site. what the hell is wrong with me?
could it be that i was busier then hell today? nah… course not! actually though, i was pretty busy. had a meeting at first baptist church regarding their website. the meeting went pretty well. i was amazed by the interior of the office component of the church… and the seminary was breathtaking. the meeting ran long… nearly two hours… i was hoping the day would fly after we got back to the office. but time came to damn near a stop-still after that point. the day dragged ass like a no-legged leper. s’ok though. i’m home now. experimented in the kitchen a little bit. (i made some weird cider lime chicken… was kinda good… tasted somewhat bitter though… can definitely improve on the taste of the dish.) my bro was even brave enough to eat what i made. he didn’t have any major complaints other then it needed more flavor. maybe next time i’ll make it better. i didn’t know what the fock i was doing this time anyways
hehe… experimentation is dangerous!
see what happens when i don’t have caffeine?
damn, i woke up completely exhausted this morning. i swear i needed like five hours more sleep. i wanted to avoid drinking soda this morning to get me going, but the temptation was just too great. i’m sipping on an ice cold pepsi as we speak.
i wonder if they serve pepsi or coke in heaven. have you ever thought about inane little things like that before? i dunno why i do. i wonder if heaven would be brand specific. would they eat red meat there? or is it a vegan’s paradise?
Quiet Night
it’s nice having the house to myself for a while. too bad i’ve got to listen to my printer all night long. (i’m printing some brochures up for my dad for his home inspection business. s’ok though. could be worse… i could be forced to listen to yanni or barbra streisand all night long. (damn, that gave me the shivers… the humanity…) off to work i go. ttfn.
man, it’s hot outside
summers in georgia suck. there is nothing quite like going out in 94º heat and beginning to sweat immediately. It sucks ass. I want one of those personal ac units from sharper image now. wanna get me one?