
  • Extensis Sells Plug-Ins to Third Party Software Developer

    While looking up some serial number information for a friend of mine, I stumbled across some interesting news on the Extensis website: They’ve sold their Plug-In and eXtension apps to another company. I hadn’t heard about it anywhere else…

    PORTLAND, Ore. – July 28, 2005 – Celartem, Inc. and its company brands – Extensis and LizardTech – today announce the sale of its popular Photoshop Plug-ins and QuarkXPress XTensions to independent software developer, onOne Software. Products included in this purchase are pxl SmartScale, PhotoFrame, Intellihance Pro, Mask Pro, PhotoTools, and QX-Tools Pro from Extensis and the Genuine Fractals product from LizardTech. Extensis and LizardTech will continue to support these products until July 31, 2005 when onOne Software will take control of all aforementioned titles.
    Read More

  • Firewheel Unleashes BlinkSale

    Those crazy geniuses over at Firewheel Design finally released BlinkSale to the public. If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to manage invoice clients, this may be the way to go. I really like the use of AJAX in the site. It’s easy to toggle between panels with the XMLHTTPRequest’s that are being made. The invoices seem very customizable. I really like what I’m seeing so far. I’m going to evaluate it a little further and actually use it to send out some invoices just to see how well it handles that part. But, if it’s half as good as what I’ve seen so far, I’ll be extremely happy with it. It’s affordable too! Plans range from Free to $26/month. Not too shabby at all. Nice work, Firewheel Design!

  • Yahoo! Buys Konfabulator

    The deal, finalized late last week for an undisclosed price, gives Yahoo access to a toolbox of mini-applications – known as widgets – that have built a cult following since Palo Alto-based Konfabulator first introduced them for Apple Computer Inc.’s Macintosh in 2002.

    To celebrate the purchase, it looks like Konfabulator 2.1 is now a free download! Go ahead and grab yo’self a copy! It’s super keen!

  • MSN Virtual Earth

    In an effort to compete with Google’s efforts, Microsoft has released the new MSN VirtualEarth website. Very cool in my opinion.

  • It’s Official: Windows Vista it is!


    Today Microsoft Corp. announced the official name of its next-generation Windows® client operating system, formerly code-named “Longhorn.” Video of the name announcement can be seen via the link below.

    More info on Vista can be found at:

  • Longhorn Development: Name Announcement Imminent?

    Microsoft Windows VistaAccording to, Longhorn’s official name will be announced this morning at a press conference at 6am PST. According to their sources, Longhorn will be called “Microsoft Windows Vista”. Click here for more details on the name change.

    Why Vista? Let’s look at how Microsoft’s Encarta defines the word:

    vis·ta (plural vis·tas) – noun

    1. scenic view: a scenic or panoramic view
    2. view seen through narrow opening: a view seen through a long narrow opening, e.g. between rows of trees or buildings
    3. mental picture: a mental picture covering a wide range of objects or a long succession of events in the past or future … open up vistas of expansion into hitherto untapped markets

    Maybe I’m retarded, but I just don’t get it. I can understand the switch from a date-based naming system for the OS, but to change it to Vista? Bah… sounds like the Marketing folks liked that one a bit too much. I think they ought to just name it “Windows AintGonnaHappenRealSoon” and be done with it.

  • New Basecamp Updates Released

    The folks over at 37Signals have been hard at work making continual improvements to Basecamp, their online project management app. They just enhanced the To-Do List functionality – adding drag and drop sorting, Adding/Editing tasks without reloading. Very cool AJAX stuff going on here.

    Some people are not going to like these updates. I think they’re cool AND useful.

    According to the Basecamp Forums, it looks like Time Tracking and an improved calendar within the Milestones section is forthcoming. I can’t wait.

  • Getting your feet wet with Ruby on Rails

    WebMonkey posted a new article on Ruby on Rails for your perusal. If you don’t know what Ruby or Rails is, I suggest you check out: for more info.

  • Limited Access Today

    This could not have come at a worse time. I came in early this morning, only to discover that my PC at work will not cut on. I fear the storm that ripped through downtown Augusta yesterday may have claimed a victim. Worse part about it? The computer’s only four days out of warranty.

    Anyways, my access today is going to be sporadic. I have my laptop here at work, but it doesn’t have all of the apps I will need to be up and running right away. Bear with me. Thanks.

  • ICE – In Case of Emergency

    Got this via email. Seems like a good idea.

    Following the disaster in London . . .

    East Anglian Ambulance Service have launched a national “In case of Emergency (ICE)” campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston.

    The idea is that you store the word “ICE” in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted “In Case of Emergency”.

    In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It’s so simple that everyone can do it. Please do.

    Please will you also email this to everybody in your address book, it won’t take too many ‘forwards’ before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or the life of a loved one, or put a loved one’s mind at rest.

    For more than one contact name ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc.