This is a business card design that I created at PowerServe for Tim Moseley with Milton Ruben Auto Mall, a local car dealer.
Serial Thrilla – The Prodigy – The Fat Of The Land
This is a business card design that I created at PowerServe for Tim Moseley with Milton Ruben Auto Mall, a local car dealer.
Serial Thrilla – The Prodigy – The Fat Of The Land
Something odd has happened on Blogger. I just now noticed it. It is now publishing my files with the .cfm extension. Something I have hoped for, for quite some time.
I have been publishing my index page and archive page as .cfm files for quite some time. For some reason, the post pages maintained a .html extension.
Deep Blue Day – Brian Eno – Trainspotting
Here is a small design project I did for Mike Leaptrott, one of my co-workers over at PowerServe. Mike wanted some custom-designed poker chips for his new poker room. This was the first time I tackled this sort of design project, but I think they turned out pretty well, and definitely give his chips a more unique look. I can’t remember who Mike actually used to have the chips put together, but they exceeded his and my expectations.
Below is the artwork that I came up with for the chips. As you can see, each of the chips features the same basic artwork. To differentiate each of the chips, I used different color combinations to help them stand out from one another visually. This color differentiation was further enhanced by the colors chosen for the poker chips (see the photo above).
Textpattern 4.0.0 was released yesterday. I’ve not had the chance to use it, but I understand it’s one of the best pieces of “blog” software out there.
Sleep Alone – Moby – 18
It’s been quite some time since I posted something design or programming related. I need to change that. I’ve sort of lost focus about what I’ve wanted this blog to be about.
O’Reilly has made a number of books freely available on the web at This collection includes: “HTML: The Definitive Guide”, “Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide”, and a number of others…
It’s very cool that these have been made available to the public.
One Of These Mornings – Moby – 18
Last night, my dad, my father-in-law and I went to see Ron White at the Bell Auditorium. Damn, is that guy funny or what? It’s one thing to see him on DVD, Audio CD or on Comedy Central. Ron is genuinely funny in person. I really glad he came back to Augusta.
Ron had a lot of new material at the show. I was glad that he did. Having seen his DVD multiple times, and having watched the Blue Collar Comedy Tour vids several times, I was worried he wouldn’t have anything else funny to talk about. I’m glad I was wrong.
The Sprint Nextel merger went through yesterday. They’ve launched a new website and new identity for the merger. Visit Site
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I own a Dell. I also own 2 iPods, a PowerMac G4 and a PowerBook G4. I love Macs. Apple just relaunched their Switch site. It’s very cool. Check it out, why don’t ya?
Yesterday, PowerServe joined the National Association of Photoshop Professionals as a Corporate Member. Personally, I’ve wanted to join NAPP for quite some time. I’ve enjoyed PhotoshopUser, the organization’s magazine, for quite some time.
Members get discounts on seminars, books, products, etc. Have you thought about joining?