
  • Home for Sale

    Well, it’s official. Our home went on the market today. The ranch-style home is in a great neighborhood close to “downtown” Evans GA, with convenient access to both Washington Road and Columbia Road. If you’re interested in checking it out, call Stephanie Kernaghan at (706) 868-1000 or toll-free at (800) 755-3632.

    UPDATE – On 3/5, we received an offer on our house for the full asking price… Can you believe it? The house was only on the market for four days. The couple that put the offer on the house, even liked the room I painted for Tyler enough to ask that we leave the two farm animal themed valances in the room.

    Glory be to God for working in our lives like this… I could never have imagined that our house would sell so quickly…

  • Graphic Artist/Website Coordinator Position Available

    MAU is looking to hire a Graphic Artist/Website Coordinator for one of their clients. If you’re interested, check out their website for more details or contact Stacey Williamson, Staffing Specialist, at 706-724-8367.

    In this position, the person hired would: develop project artwork, design logos, product artwork, digitizing and creating newsletters. Maintaining e-commerce store: load product, daily maintenance of site, create virtual samples.

  • Unexpected Benefit of Having a Newborn

    All your problems disappear as you come to realize there’s no time to deal with them anyway.

    How amazingly true. That little tidbit was the February 16th entry in my 365 Days of Being a Dad desk calendar. It’s funny how all of our problems go away once you realize that you’ve got a little one depending on you for their survival. Just thought I would share it with everyone… and save it on here, for me to remember for the years ahead.

  • Oh So Quiet

    Well, not really. See, I’ve been working on converting the site over to WordPress, and haven’t devoted time to posting new content. I’ve avoided checking my MeasureMap account for quite some time, and it appears that my hiatus has caused traffic to dip significantly. Rightfully so.

    I’ll be back soon. )

  • Qurbing Spam

    For the past 12 days, I have been evaluating a free trial of Computer Associates’ Qurb anti-spam, anti-phishing filter for Outlook/Outlook Express. The need for third-party software for handling spam was necessitated by the requirement (by SpamCop) that we disable challenge reponse on our mail server, or face prolonged blacklisting.

    Computer Associates' Qurb Logo
    There are a lot of options out there. I tested some free versions or open-source clients that managed spam locally, but none of them worked quite like I would have expected. Qurb, however, has been easy to use, easy to configure, and makes short work of dealing with spam.

    Qurb works much like a virus scanner. It puts suspected emails in a quarantine folder, and the user gets prompted from time to time to check the quarantine folder to review the messages. If every message is spam, you do nothing. If it catches some false positives, you click a checkbox and Qurb adds that sender to your whitelist, and click okay. That’s it. It works well. Even better than Outlook 2003’s built-in Junk Mail folder (which has to be disabled for Qurb to work most effectively).

    It’s definitely worth checking out imho. Well worth the $30 registration.

  • Moving to WordPress

    Well, I’m taking the leap, and moving away from Hallelujah. WordPress is way more flexible. So far, the installation has gone without any major problems – unless you count the import I’ve been unable to do because cURL isn’t enabled on our server. (Not a big deal.) Other than that, things are peachy. I’ll be working on making this site more of my own over the next couple of weeks.

  • Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview Available

    I’m on my way out the door, but thought this was big enough news to share… The Beta 2 Preview of IE7 is now available for download. Snag it here.

  • Four Things… Must Die!

    Its made its rounds… and after about 2 Internet Years… this meme finally made it to me. Thanks, Jesse P

    Four Jobs That I’ve Had

    • Night Stocker at Grocery Store
    • Photographer (for Lifetouch)
    • Managing Editor for a National, Non-Profit Magazine
    • Web Designer

    Four Movies I Can Watch Over And Over

    • Dead Poets Society
    • Clerks
    • The Goonies
    • The Matrix (Trilogy)

    Four Places I Have Lived

    • Augusta, GA
    • Newport News, VA
    • Karlsruhe, Germany
    • Baumholder, Germany

    Four TV Shows I Like To Watch

    • Lost
    • Grey’s Anatomy
    • Stargate: SG1
    • Stargate: Atlantis

    Four Foods That I Like

    • Rice Chex
    • Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
    • Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
    • Steak

    Four Websites I Visit Daily

    Four Things I Want To Do Before I Die

    • Grow my family spiritually.
    • Memorize the Bible
    • Become an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
    • Lead at least one person to Christ.

    Four People I’m Tagging

    • Sorry, can’t do it…
  • An Event Apart

    Well, I missed the Photoshop CS2 Power Tour in Atlanta last week… so I’ve been looking for learning opportunities in and around the Southeast ever since. Enter: “An Event Apart”.


  • Uh Oh… Someone’s gonna go postal on Apple…

    Apple’s new ad, promoting the usage of Intel chips in the new iMac has sparked a bit of controversy as of late. First, people were saying it was blatant rip-off of a the video “Such Great Heights” by The Postal Service. Then, it was discovered that the same directors that directed said video were involved on the Apple ad. Heck, Apple’s even added the video to the iTunes Music Store. End of story, right? Wrong.

    A note on The Postal Service website begs to differ…

    It has recently come to our attention that Apple Computers’ new television commercial for the Intel chip features a shot-for-shot recreation of our video for ‘Such Great Heights’ made by the same filmmakers responsible for the original. We did not approve this commercialization and are extremely disappointed with both parties that this was executed without our consultation or consent. -Ben Gibbard, The Postal Service