
  • GrandCentral Invites

    I’ve got 8 no invites left for GrandCentral. If you haven’t heard about GrandCentral… they were recently bought by Google. The idea behind GC is you have one central phone number that you route all of your calls through. GC logs those calls, takes voicemail messages, and more… Your central number can be forwarded to any of your current phone numbers.

    I’ve only been playing around with it for a few minutes, but it seems promising. My new GrandCentral # is (706) 955-GAME (4263).

    If you’re interested in an invite, leave a comment and I’ll send one your way! Thanks to everyone who asked for an invitation! You’ll get 10 invites with your new Beta account, so make sure you share the love with some of your friends and family!

  • Year Three

    It’s not a huge deal, but I like to keep track of this sort of stuff… Yesterday marked my three-year anniversary at PowerServe. Since graduating high school in 1996, I’ve worked ten different jobs. I spent, on average, about 17.7 months at each job. Early on, many of the jobs I had only lasted around four to six months, and for a while I worked more than one job…

    I worked as a graphic designer for Old Dominion University’s Mace & Crown for 6 months. I worked as a 3rd shift stocker at Food Lion for 4 months. (Working from 11pm until 7am really sucked!) I took elementary and middle school pictures for Lifetouch for 6 months. I worked as a data entry clerk for Norrell Staffing for a year. I was the Managing Editor/Webmaster for Quail Unlimited for 2 years 6 months. During the time I was working, for QU I also worked part-time for Blockbuster Video for a year and a half to feed my video addiction… I also worked part-time as a webmaster for the Department of Political Science at Augusta State University for a year and a half. From there, I went on to for 2 years 11 months. Spent a year at The Alison Group, and then by sheer chance landed a job at PowerServe, where I’ve been for 3 years and counting…

    It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s been a heck of a journey for me so far. I’m grateful for the time I’ve had here so far and look forward to growing even more with the company. I couldn’t have wished for a better place to end up.

  • Giant Frickin Robots pwns the Box Office

    Giant Frickin Robots pwns the Box Office. “Transformers debuted with an estimated $67.6 million in ticket sales to top the box-office rankings for the three days of the July 6 weekend, the Associated Press reported. Added to grosses since the movie opened with preview screenings on the night of July 2, that raised the giant-robot movie’s total take to $152.5 million.”

    If you haven’t seen Transformers yet, what the heck are you waiting for?

  • Help Me Help You

    So, here’s the thing… I don’t want the site to grow any more stagnant that it already has been over the past few weeks, so I need some of your feedback.

    1. What do you think I could/should do to improve this site?
    2. Are there any specific areas of the site or topics of interest that you’d like to see more written about (e.g. Photoshop and/or web design & development tutorials)?
    3. Is the design usable enough for you?
    4. How do you use the site? Do you subscribe to my RSS feed? Read re-posted content on Virb or Facebook?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback. If you don’t feel like leaving your comments/criticisms on this post, feel free to email them to me at chris at cdharrison dot com.

  • Apple iTunes 7.3 Released

    Apple iTunes 7.3 Released. New features include: ability to activate iPhone service; syncing iPhones with your music, movies, tv shows, etc.; and wirelessly share photos from your computer(s) with an Apple TV.

  • Why I won’t be getting an iPhone

    Sorry for the light posting as of late. I’ve been swamped at work, and trying to spend less time online at home. That, and I didn’t really have anything to post about…


    My wife asked me last night why I didn’t want an iPhone. And as soon as I came in this morning, coworkers were asking to see mine. (I had to inform them, that they aren’t available until 6pm tonight…) I’m not going to get an iPhone… not now anyways. It’s a beautiful piece of hardware, and I’d love to have one at some point, but for now, I’ll pass. There’s a couple of reasons for this:

    1. It’s a first generation product, that’s bound to have some issues. Don’t get me wrong. Apple makes some sweet products, but their first gen stuff has issues from time to time.
    2. PowerServe, the company I work for, takes care of my cellphone for me.
    3. The largest capacity iPhone isn’t big enough. If and when I were to get an iPhone, I want one that’s going to easily replace my 80Gb iPod that’s nearly filled to the brim with movies, tv shows and music. 8Gb just doesn’t cut it.

    At some point, I might be in the market for one, but for now I’m saving up to get a Digital SLR, such as the Nikon D40 or Canon Digital Rebel XT.

  • CampaignMonitor: Updated CSS Support in Email Report

    CampaignMonitor: Updated CSS Support in Email Report. Had this flagged in FeedBurner since last week and meant to post it here… This is going up on my office wall.

  • Why I won’t own a cat.

    If you needed a reason not to own a cat, here’s a pretty good one.

  • Donate Blood

    If you’re in the Augusta area, and can spare a pint, Shepeard Blood Center is in desperate need of O type blood. Given the FDA’s current restrictions on accepting blood from people who lived in Germany between 1980 and 1990, I can no longer give blood… otherwise I’d be all over this. Before the restrictions I was just shy of giving three gallons of B Negative.