“No one on dial-up matters anymore.”
Adobe Releases CS3 Help Center
Adobe just released a consolidated CS3 Help Center. If you’ve had any problems whatsoever with installing or using Creative Suite 3, the CS3 Help Center has information available that should help make your life a bit easier.
Space is Limited
Register for the Webmaster Jam Session by September 13th and you could win a stay in one of two Presidential Suites at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Dallas, TX. Space is getting very limited (less than 17 seats remain as of today!) so if you’re planning to go, what’re you waiting for?
I’m planning to leave for Dallas on Thursday, September 20th with at least a brief stop planned for Birmingham – where I hope to drop in to see Jeremy Flint at Kinetic Communications. If you’re planning on going and want to meet up in Dallas, drop me an email or follow me via twitter.
The Adobe Creative Suite 3 Bookstore
I just noticed that Amazon.com has setup an Adobe Creative Suite 3 bookstore. Aside from books and DVDs, it even has some Amazon-exclusive tutorial videos available. Definitely worth checking out.
Accomplishing the Impossible
I hadn’t really thought about it much – until tonight – but Adobe accomplished the impossible with Creative Suite 3: It represents the first true offspring of the marriage of Adobe and Macromedia. Definitive Macromedia apps like Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash were rolled into the Adobe fold and are now being served up alongside apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and InDesign. Keeping that in mind, it’s amazing there weren’t more problems with the release of CS3. That is all.
Movie Trailer: Iron Man
Movie Trailer: Iron Man. Not gonna lie to ya… I giggled when I saw the this.
Cocks Beat Dawgs.
Cocks Beat Dawgs. Yep, that sounds dirty. Many of my coworkers will be pretty upset…