Getting Started with Ruby on Rails. I’m gonna need to read this.
Minor Tweaks
I made some minor changes to the site this morning. Notably, the site is no longer 640px wide. I opted to increase the overall width to 960px so that I could add a sidebar. As I develop this iteration out further, the reason I added the sidebar will be more apparent. I have done no browser testing as of yet. I would be surprised if the site wasn’t broken, but don’t fret… change is coming. I appreciate your patience.
jQuery for Designers. Having used jQuery in a few recent projects, this site could prove to be an invaluable resource moving forward.
The Business
There’s nothing like an instant pile of money to distract you from the fact that, over the long term, you’re bringing less money home. – Rands In Repose: The Business
Getting Local with Twitter
Recently I started an experiment on Twitter. I know that I’m not the only web/design geek in the area, so I decided to use Twitter to get to know some folks in the area. Using Twitter’s people search, I looked for people in and around Augusta, GA. The result? I’m not alone, and while Twitter use in and around Augusta is next to null, there are some pretty interesting folks that I’m glad I decided to follow.
What next? Well, my hope is that Twitter will grow in popularity in the area and it’ll be a means to growing a real life social network/community here in the area. Right now the tech/creative community is rather fragmented and the only organization that caters (sort of) to us is the Augusta Advertising Federation. Its focus tends to be more traditional media-centric. There is also the newly formed Augusta Developers Guild, but it’s focusing more on Software Developers/Programmers.
Naked Day 08
Today’s almost over, but since I was asked about it… Today (April 9th) is CSS Naked Day. This is the second year I’ve participated. To know more about why styles are disabled on this website visit the
Annual CSS Naked Day website for more information. (I’d write more… but I’m on vacation right now.)