Huh? Who are you?
It’s like I fell off the face of the Earth or something… Work’s been really busy as of late. We just hired a new jr. designer to help relieve some of the workload here at PowerServe. I’ve been ignoring my site because I just haven’t had time to devote any time to it. Traffic has…
I’m not dead yet.
Happy to report that I am not dead yet! ;) Just been busy with work, life, and in general… I tweaked the design somewhat this morning. I eliminated the Google Search and Google Adwords elements from my site. I also removed the center column, which listed out the latest entries, and links to archives… (Both…
Certified HTML Developer
Woohoo… I’m a Certified HTML Developer according to W3Schools.com now… took an “exam” that covered three topics: CSS, HTML and XHTML – and passed! (Got 66 of 70 questions right.) I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t do better, but I don’t think my results were that bad, especially considering I did absolutely no studying…
Meet Tyler Douglas Harrison
Last week, Kim and I went to Prenatal Imaging in Martinez, GA to get a 4-D Sonogram done.We took this step for two reasons. First, there was a degree of uncertainty starting to surround the Baby Gender Mentor test we had done in July. (The test reported we had a boy, but there’s some concern…
Pregnancy Update
Things are going well for Kim and the Baby! She enters the 3rd trimester on Wednesday. We’re both excited to be so close to the end. Life threw us a curveball over the weekend. We discovered that the Baby Gender Mentor might not be as accurate as we previously thought. A recent report on NPR…
Just me and Cocoa
Been pretty busy lately. Some major projects have fallen on my lap here at work, and I’ve been working hard to keep my head above water. From time to time, it’s good to just take a step back and clear your mind of everything you’ve got going on. I did that last night as I…
Brand New Toys
Kim and I broke down today and bought a new digital camera, and DVD Camcorder in preparation of the birth of our son. We both wanted to get something that would last us for a while. So, we settled on a Konica Minolta DiMage Z6 – 6.0MP Digital Camera, and a Panasonic VDR-M53 DVD Camcorder.…
Tyler’s Room
Last night, after almost three days of painting and an hour or two of moving furniture around, we finished the nursery. I invite you to view the photos or view a slideshow of the photos we took as we worked on the room. It’s pretty interesting to take on a project like this and see…
Lucky Mike’s Card Room
Here is a small design project I did for Mike Leaptrott, one of my co-workers over at PowerServe. Mike wanted some custom-designed poker chips for his new poker room. This was the first time I tackled this sort of design project, but I think they turned out pretty well, and definitely give his chips a…
Thoughts on Fatherhood
Kim is almost halfway through the pregnancy already. It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly 20 weeks already. I’m anxious, excited, enthusiastic about the birth of our son. I hope that I will be a good father to him. I hope that I will be a better husband to his mother. It’s an amazing amount…