The Day the Earth Stood Still. Like, woah… Even with Keanu in it, this looks like it might be decent.
What are web standards and why should you use them? That’s what Opera’s new Web Standards Curriculum hopes to answer. If you’re interested in learning more, visit: http://www.opera.com/wsc/ They’ve got 23 articles available already and an additional 30 planned.
“You Suck at Photoshop” is back and better than ever! Smart Objects FTW!
BusinessWeek’s Best and Worst of the Web is actually pretty darn good. With folks like Dan Cederholm, Jeffrey Zeldman, Dave Shea and Khoi Vinh on the panel, one would expect as much.
Install Django and Build Your First App. (HT: Jeff Croft) One of these days I am going to need to break down and learn Django, RoR, or something along those lines. I barely scratch the surface with what I know in ASP, PHP and CFM. Django and RoR seem a lot more approachable…
Lego’s secret vault contains every set ever made. The video is awesome. I’ve been going through a Lego Renaissance of sorts lately… Can’t get enough of the little bricks. :)
Trade-offs. Gruber offers up more commentary on the iPhone 3G.
R.I.P. George Carlin. The world will laugh less with your passing.
Why you should download Firefox 3 right now.
Adobe AIR 1.1 Released.