Author: Chris Harrison

  • Get yourself preprocessing in just a few minutes.

    Get yourself preprocessing in just a few minutes. I was hesitant to use Sass until I saw this. (Oh, you’re going to want to grab CodeKit, too.) Seriously. This type of workflow will change your life.

  • Comic Book Movies

    I created this playlist on Rdio that features soundtracks and scores from movies based on comic books. (By the way: collaboration is enabled. Help make it better!) You don’t seem to like iframes. That’s cool. How’s 1996 working out for you? Comic Book Movies

  • gmaps.js

    gmaps.js – an easier way to work with Google Maps.

  • Panic Releases Coda and Diet Coda

    Panic released Coda 2 and Diet Coda.

  • The New Adobe CS6 Branding

    The New Adobe CS6 Branding.

  • New ItemBrowser Released

    I appreciate everyone who put up with me teasing ItemBrowser for most of the month of April. Yesterday, it launched. (Because WallaBee is an iPhone game, the site was optimized for use on that device. We’re planning to make the layout more responsive over the next coming weeks. It’ll work fine in modern browsers and on…

  • Campfire

    It’s funny how what’s old is new again. I used to use lots of 37Signals’ products and – over time – gradually stopped. Now I’m coming back to them again. Inspired by a recent talk that Steve Smith gave at ConvergeSE, the team I work with has incorporated Campfire more heavily into their daily development lives. How are we…

  • Back This Project

    My friend Anton Peck is chasing a dream that you can play a role in. His dream is to create and publish a graphic novel. And now, thanks to Kickstarter, you can help make his dream a reality.

  • An Invocation for Beginnings

    [youtube][/youtube] I’m so glad that Ze Frank is back with A Show. Listening to him is delightfully therapeutic.

  • ConvergeSE

    This weekend I’ll be making the short trek up to Columbia, SC to attend my fourth Converge. (It’s easily one of my favorite conferences. I haven’t missed one yet.) This year I’ll be helping out by live-tweeting on Saturday via the @convergese account. In the event you won’t be there, follow @cdharrison/convergese-2012 or the hashtag:…