Author: Chris Harrison

  • Can Trent Reznor’s TV Show Save HBO?. Honestly, if Trent were to create a show for HBO based on Year Zero, I’d subscribe to it. The whole ARG surrounding the release of Year Zero was incredibly well put together. Unless HBO were to screw it up… a YZ series could and should be pretty epic.

  • Pardon the mess…

    Just in case a torrent of posts comes through your RSS feed… I apologize for the inconvenience. I was playing around with trying to import Disqus comments into my site as regular comments… and they were imported as posts instead. As you can see, the experiment failed miserably.

    I like Disqus, but dislike being locked in to them. I may risk losing 40 comments or so, but I’m close to disabling Disqus for good this time.

  • RefreshAugusta

    I had the idea to start a local group for a while now. Having read about the success of Refresh in other cities, I was intrigued to try and do something like it here in Augusta, Georgia. It wasn’t until recently that I started to get serious with the idea. Tonight we’re holding our first planning meeting. Next month, we’ll hold our first meeting. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I can’t wait to see what this group can accomplish for Augusta.

  • Mojave

    Windows Vista

    Microsoft’s “Mojave Experiment” is horribly misleading. Wil Shipley has some great thoughts on the matter: “The Mojave Experiment:” Bad Science, Bad Marketing.

    I recently upgraded to Vista. I’ve avoided it like the plague since its initial release. I bought into a lot of the negative reviews, and they helped fuel my desire to stay away from Vista. But with a new laptop came the new OS and I figured I would give it a shot. After a couple of weeks of using it, I like it. It looks better than XP. I’ve found it to be more stable with the applications I use. I’ve found the OS to be more responsive (but I chalk that up to running it under better hardware). But it’s not without its problems.

    Windows Vista Ultimate - Box shot

    I CAN HAZ SP1 PLZ? I tried upgrading my install of Windows Vista Home Premium to Vista Ultimate. I was told that I needed to upgrade to Vista Home Premium SP1 OR I’d have to reformat my laptop and install Vista Ultimate. I opted for the former. After downloading the 400+Mb manual install for SP1, I ran it. It processed for 15-20 minutes, restarted my system, and configured 3 stages of updates. After another reboot, I was able to log into my system only to find that SP1 did not install due to errors. My only option, now, is to do a fresh install of everything.

    I CAN HAZ WIRELESS PLZ? I only had one hardware conflict: My D-LINK WBR-1310 wireless router wouldn’t work with my Dell Inspiron 1710 laptop. I could get the hard-wired connection to work fine, but nothing I tried worked. I ended up swapping routers with my mother-in-law – she had a pre-N D-LINK router – and it solved my problems. Everything else I had installed without any problems.

    I’m sure, as I spend more time with Vista, I’ll find more things that bother me. I haven’t had enough problems with it yet to justify a downgrade, but that thought is looming in the back of my mind already. When I get some time, I’ll start from scratch on the laptop and get Ultimate on it. But for right now, I’ll deal with what I’ve got, which isn’t half bad at all.

  • Take the Survey

    It’s that time of year again: The 2008 A List Apart: Survey for People Who Make Websites is here and it wants you to get in on the action.

    Calling all designers, developers, information architects, project managers, writers, editors, marketers, and everyone else who makes websites. It is time once again to pool our information so as to begin sketching a true picture of the way our profession is practiced worldwide.

    Possibly the most important invention of the past century, the web is undeniably one of the most robust engines of knowledge transfer, political and social change, artistic endeavor, and economic growth the world has seen.

    Remove the web, and billions in trade disappear. Websites enable people who can’t walk to run to the store. They bring knowledge and freedom of thought to places where such things are scarce; make every person with a connection a citizen of the world; and allow every citizen to be heard.

    So, what are you waiting for? Go take the Survey already!

  • Do Web Designers Need Degrees? A degree couldn’t hurt, but I think all of us – whether we have a degree or not – need to do what we can to raise the level of professionalism & quality of work.

  • A gift from Zappos

    I heart Zappos.comWhile browsing through Larry’s photos, I stumbled across one that had a Zappos shotglass in it. I asked Larry where he got it from, and he told me it was a giveaway at SXSW he had picked up.

    So, I did the most logical thing and sent Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh (@zappos) a tweet inquiring about how someone might be able to get a Zappos shotglass. He wrote back shortly thereafter asking for my address; that he’d send me some. And so I did.


  • WordPress for iPhone

    I’m typing this from the WordPress for iPhone app ( When I first heard about this app, I was excited. As good as some of the plugins are to make the WP admin more “iPhriendly”, they’re far from perfect. I think this app has a lot of potential, but it’s far from ideal. (more…)

  • Apple Sells One Million iPhone 3Gs in First Weekend. I for one, did not partake in the feeding frenzy. I did, however, opt to pay the $9.95 to upgrade my iPod touch.

  • WordPress for iPhone. It’s coming and it looks awesome.