Day: July 9, 2007

  • Blinksale now supports OpenID

    Blinksale now supports OpenID. You know, this OpenID thing might just be catching on… :P

  • 65 Reasons to Own a DS

    65 Reasons to Own a DS. Reasons I own a DS: #2, #8, #14, #41 (It’s a great game, seriously!), and #53.

  • GrandCentral Invites

    I’ve got 8 no invites left for GrandCentral. If you haven’t heard about GrandCentral… they were recently bought by Google. The idea behind GC is you have one central phone number that you route all of your calls through. GC logs those calls, takes voicemail messages, and more… Your central number can be forwarded to…

  • Year Three

    It’s not a huge deal, but I like to keep track of this sort of stuff… Yesterday marked my three-year anniversary at PowerServe. Since graduating high school in 1996, I’ve worked ten different jobs. I spent, on average, about 17.7 months at each job. Early on, many of the jobs I had only lasted around…

  • Giant Frickin Robots pwns the Box Office

    Giant Frickin Robots pwns the Box Office. “Transformers debuted with an estimated $67.6 million in ticket sales to top the box-office rankings for the three days of the July 6 weekend, the Associated Press reported. Added to grosses since the movie opened with preview screenings on the night of July 2, that raised the giant-robot…