Photoshop CS2 Script for SlideShowPro

SlideShowProIf you use Photoshop CS2 and Todd Dominey’s awesome SlideShowPro, you’re going to dig this free script from developer Matt Johnson. It takes all of the hard work out of setting up an XML file for use with SSP.

Written in the Javascript language for the Adobe Photoshop DOM, this script quickly produces folder structures, optimized images, and outputs the XML source needed for the creation of galleries in SlideShowPro.

Feature List:

  • Creates folder structure
  • Populates the album title
  • Populates the album description
  • Populates IPTC / Photoshop Captions
  • Custom fit-image resize using Bicubic Sharper
  • Export large and thumbnail size images
  • Saves space using “Save For Web” compression
  • Closes original images without saving changes
  • Ready to use, just publish your swf file to the same directory

(Hat tip: SlideShowPro)