another long day

damn… it really sucks to be busy all damn day long. i’m tired. but not to the point where i can go to sleep just yet. it’s kinda like what happened to me yesterday. i was tired as hell when i got home, but i stayed up. and then when it came time for me to actually go to bed, i couldn’t sleep. perhaps, it was because i was just too unbelievably tired to fall asleep. who knows? anyways… i stayed up rather late last night working on a few websites. the first was a redesign i’ve been working on for asu’s student government association. i designed last school year’s site (, and was approached by the new president to update the look a bit. you can find the new work in progress at: it’s got a much different look and i’m really excited about the possibilities. i’ve run into a few roadblocks hosting wise. i may need to host the site through my companies’ web server if i can’t get server-sides enabled on the school servers… I was also working on sites for some clients of ours at ddcom. the first was sandy springs internal medicine… you can view the concept for that site at: i’m still kinda iffy on the design for this one, and i may tweak it before the project is wrapped up, but it’s a good start nonetheless. the other site i worked on was one for a local restaurant in town called villa europa. their site is in dire need of a revamp, so i’ve been working on updating the look. their old site can be viewed at: my new work in progress is up at i was still working on some finishing touches for the concept up until 5:30 this evening. so far so good. it’s definitely an improvement over the original (and another concept i did at anyways, that’s all for now. i’ve rambled enough. i’ll try and post again before night’s end. ttfn.
