Tag: pregnancy

  • Pregnancy Update

    Things are going well for Kim and the Baby! She enters the 3rd trimester on Wednesday. We’re both excited to be so close to the end.

    Life threw us a curveball over the weekend. We discovered that the Baby Gender Mentor might not be as accurate as we previously thought. A recent report on NPR and posts on several websites, including in-Gender.com, have caused us to seriously doubt the results we were given back in July. We’ve invested a lot of time and money in getting ready for a boy. If Kim has a girl, we won’t be devestated, but we’ll definitely be inconvenienced at the start.

    To avoid any issues, we decided to give a local company – Prenatal Imaging – a try. They specialize in 3D ultrasounds. Hopefully, they’ll be able to give us better insight as to what Kim and I should be expecting.

    I know it’s a little weird to be so concerned about what the gender will be. I wish we could be more patient like my boss and his wife were (who recently gave birth to a baby girl!). They didn’t know what the baby would be til she came into this world. I’m too inpatient, though. I’m like a kid at Christmas. I see the present. I want to know what’s inside. Know what I mean?

    Anyway, we’re going for the u/s appointment on Thursday at 4pm. It’s not cheap, but it could give us some piece of mind. Kim’s got enough stress on her as it is. She doesn’t need to be worrying about what’s inside her, too. (Because that’s all she’s stewed over all weekend.)

  • The results are in!

    7/11/2006 – UPDATE: More information on this can be found here and here.While we are pleased with the results we received from the Baby Gender Mentor test we took back in July ’05, countless others have not been so happy/lucky. If you are contemplating using the Baby Gender Mentor test, please check out the forums at In-Gender.com.If you were to ask me whether or not we’d use the test again, I would most assuredly tell you no, simply because my confidence in the test and the company behind it is gone. Make up your own mind, though.

    Test ResultCongratulations! You will be expecting a baby boy based on the amount of fetal genetic materials obtained from your blood specimen. Our assay has concluded that at this moment there are substantial amount of fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that you are very likely carrying at least one male fetus! Thank you for choosing BabyGenderMentor Home DNA Gender Test.

    I’m still at a loss for words at how amazing our experience with the BabyGenderMentor kit has. It seems like we waited forever to get it… but it seems like we barely just sent the kit into the lab to get our results. The lab received the kit via FedEx yesterday morning at 9:38am. We had our results by 6:00pm. That’s one helluva turnaround if you ask me! My wife was hoping for a girl, as was most of her family… so I’m not trying to gloat too much around them. But I am very excited to say, I’m going to be the proud father of a baby boy in five short months!!!

  • Baby Gender Mentor: An Update

    7/11/2006 – UPDATE: More information on this can be found here and here.While we are pleased with the results we received from the Baby Gender Mentor test we took back in July ’05, countless others have not been so happy/lucky. If you are contemplating using the Baby Gender Mentor test, please check out the forums at In-Gender.com.If you were to ask me whether or not we’d use the test again, I would most assuredly tell you no, simply because my confidence in the test and the company behind it is gone. Make up your own mind, though.The Baby Gender Mentor kit Kim and I ordered from PregnancyStore.com last week finally arrived yesterday. I was a little disappointed that it took so long for it to arrive, but I chalked that up to just being really anxious to know the sex of our baby.Kim’s sister helped her with the test, since I could not be present to help get blood samples from Kim. (If I had been present, my DNA could have inadvertently “contaminated” the blood… causing the Y chromosome to be present when the lab ran it’s tests on her samples.) The kit comes with two lancets for pricking your fingers. These were not sufficient for Kim. She’s not much of a bleeder. After an hour and a half of coaxing the blood out of her fingers, they finished up.We dropped the test off at our local FedExKinkos last night. It should arrive at the lab in Massachusetts by Thursday morning. If all goes well, we should know the results Friday night, or at the latest…by next Monday… (I’m hoping for Friday!)I’m anxiously awaiting the results now… I’ll post the results as soon as I have em (but not before I tell Kim)!

  • Baby Gender Mentor

    7/11/2006 – UPDATE: More information on this can be found here and here.While we are pleased with the results we received from the Baby Gender Mentor test we took back in July ’05, countless others have not been so happy/lucky. If you are contemplating using the Baby Gender Mentor test, please check out the forums at In-Gender.com.If you were to ask me whether or not we’d use the test again, I would most assuredly tell you no, simply because my confidence in the test and the company behind it is gone. Make up your own mind, though.Well, we’re biting the bullet and opting to try out the Baby Gender Monitor Mentor. After hearing about it on ABC World News tonight, and watching the Today Show video on the PregnancyStore.com website, we’re sold on the idea of trying out the Baby Gender Mentor to determine whether our little bundle of joy will be a boy or a girl. We’ll let you know how it turns out.