Adobe AIR 1.1 Released.
Building a common desktop application on AIR in Dreamweaver CS3. Snook FTW!
AIR out of Beta
Adobe AIR – (Adobe Integrated Runtime) – is out of beta. It allows developers to create desktop applications using web technologies like Flash, HTML, CSS, etc. Get AIR here. I’m pretty excited about AIR for a couple of reasons… 1) it allows you to develop rich applications fairly quickly using standard web technologies; 2) it’s…
Snitter 0.014 alpha available
Snitter 0.014 alpha available
Adobe AIR and HTML
Adobe AIR and HTML. Snook shares some of his experiences working with Adobe AIR in building his Twitter client, Snitter.
Get Snitter. Use Twitter, but looking for a viable desktop app on the PC? Look no further than the Snitter AIR. Nicely done, Snook.