
  • Tyler, Week 33

    Kim had another 3D/4D Sonogram this past weekend.Little Tyler was rather uncooperative this time. Most pictures we were able to see either had him obscuring his face somehow, or shoving his toes into his mouth.

    I am continually amazed by the thought of this child that will soon come into Kim and my life. We’re truly blessed by God to have had everything go without complications so far. If all goes well, and I am praying that they will, little Tyler will come into our lives in a few short weeks.

    If you’re interested, I’ve added a set of pictures from the sonogram to Flickr.

    I’ll post video from the session later. UPDATE: I converted a snippet from the DVD we received from Prenatal Imaging. It’s available here for your viewing: (Quicktime 7 Required)

  • 20.2 Pounds and Counting

    I didn’t give a weight update last week, because I was extremely disappointed with myself. I gained 8.8 pounds. :\ This week, however, I got back on track and lost 8.6 pounds, bringing my cumulative weight loss total to 20.2 pounds. This week is going to be even better, I hope. I am going to be more focused, and hope to introduce walking into my regimen to help with my weight loss. Please keep me in your prayers!

  • Huh? Who are you?

    It’s like I fell off the face of the Earth or something…

    Work’s been really busy as of late. We just hired a new jr. designer to help relieve some of the workload here at PowerServe.

    I’ve been ignoring my site because I just haven’t had time to devote any time to it. Traffic has suffered as a result. C’est la vie. It happens ;) But fear not, I am not deceased, merely indisposed. Hopefully I will have more time to devote soon.

  • MeasureMap

    Screenshot of MeasureMap Alpha

    Just got an invite to the Measure Map alpha. It’s a tracking software for blogs, developed by the fine folks over at Adaptive Path. Obviously, I’ve just signed up for it, so I really can’t say much about it at the moment. I am looking forward to seeing how well it works.

  • A Spooky Basecamp Theme…

    Here’s a “trick” from’s About Design blog on how you can update the appearance of Basecamp with these treats. (Kill me for my puns, I beg you.)

    I wonder if it would freak our clients out if we changed how Basecamp looked all of a sudden? Hmm….

    This gives me an idea… it would be cool to provide a resource of “theme” ideas for Basecamp. I know I struggled somewhat to come up with the right color combo for the PowerServe Basecamp…

    Hat tip: Signals vs. Noise

  • Flock has landed

    Just got my grubby little hands on the Flock Developer Preview (0.4.8) and I gotta say… wow.

    If I have time tomorrow, I will post screenshots. I like what I’m seeing so far. I’m not going to go so far as to say it’s a Firefox-killer or anything, but it’s definitely a great little browser.

    More later. I promise. Now it’s time for bed.


    No, I mean it.

  • Quicktime 7 Standalone Player

    Apple Quicktime works on Macs AND PCs!

    While checking out some of the new Movie Trailers over at, I noticed Apple is now posting a link to a Quicktime 7 Standalone Player… Several of my friends have not upgraded to QT7 because Apple has bundled it with iTunes by default now. They’ll be happy to know, this is no longer the case.

    So, if you’ve held off on upgrading to QT7, I urge you to reconsider… being able to watch MOV files that use the H.264 codec is more than reason enough to upgrade…

  • I’m not dead yet.

    Happy to report that I am not dead yet! ;) Just been busy with work, life, and in general…

    I tweaked the design somewhat this morning. I eliminated the Google Search and Google Adwords elements from my site. I also removed the center column, which listed out the latest entries, and links to archives… (Both lists were getting way too long, and rather unmanageable.) Now, archives can be accessed by visiting the Archives section of my site… If I start feeling scrappy, I might even incorporate some sort of search into the site… but until then, the archive setup will have to be dealt with.

    I love CSS. It’s amazingly easy to use. I spent a little under an hour this morning tweaking various attributes, attribute values, etc… and was able to significantly change the look and feel of the site without messing with the HTML code at all. Gotta love it.

    Anyways, as soon as I get some free time, I’ll post some more. Until then, please bear with me.

  • Macromedia Releases Contribute 3.1

    Box shot of Macromedia Contribute 3.1

    Over 200 significant updates and enhancements, including:Better control. Safely delegate updates with a new review and approval system; repossess checked-out documents with the lock-breaking UI; and designate who can edit, approve, or publish with subsite support.Empowered users. Subsite support, file deployment management, RSS activity feeds, and a lock-breaking UI to repossess checked-out documents.Learn more…

  • New Look Coming Next Week for Basecamp

    Jason Fried posted a teaser screenshot of a new layout they’ll be rolling out for Basecamp in the Basecamp Forums. I’m liking it so far… This is also cool, because this marks the first time (that I can recall) where 37Signals made users aware of a change before they made it… Nice work guys!