Microsoft Surface. It’s not often that the word “awesome” could be used to describe something Microsoft has done…
MySpace v. Facebook
MySpace v. Facebook: “It’s Not A Decision. It’s an IQ Test” Did I mention I closed my MySpace account a couple of months ago? Viva la Facebook! Viva la Virb!
FeedDemon 2.5 Released
FeedDemon 2.5 Released. FeedDemon is hands down the best RSS reader for Windows.
The Facebook Platform
The Facebook Platform is going to revolutionize social networks. Where MySpace is tightening restrictions on users and the applications they can use, Facebook is opening themselves up for use with all sorts of applications. This can’t be good news for any of the social networks that are similar to the MySpace model, and yeah I’m talking ’bout Virb as well.
Your Facebook profile is now a hub for all of your online data. With Applications, you can pull in your latest diggs, bookmarks, and much, much more. In fact, I believe they’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the capabilities of Facebook Applications. It’s only going to be a matter of time before users start doing everything through the site. (That in and of itself is a scary thought.) For Facebook, it’s definitely a win. The more people that see and use the site, the more revenue they make off of advertising and user data… For application builders, it’s a win as well…
Are you on Facebook? Let’s network.
Firefox just topped 25%
Firefox just topped 25%. Can I get an amen?
10th Wonder Podcast
The latest 10th Wonder Podcast now available. You can grab it here.
Star Wars Stamps Now Available
Star Wars Stamps Now Available. Use the Force. Buy some stamps. Voting on the single stamps is down to either Yoda or Darth Vader. Considering Star Wars was all about the rise and inevitable fall of Vader, I hope that he ends up being the winning stamp. I’d love to be able to put Vader stamps on everything :)
Vote for the Top 100 Web 2.0 Sites
Vote for the Top 100 Web 2.0 Sites. I really wish that Blinksale and Basecamp hadn’t been in the same category :\
Hank Aaron is the man
Hank Aaron is the man. Seriously. Who cares about Barry Bonds and whether or not he’s going to beat his home run record? I certainly don’t. Maybe, just maybe, if Bonds wasn’t such a douche and there wasn’t any controversy surrounding his use of steroids, people would care.