“Zack and Miri Make a Porno.” That’s the name of Kevin Smith’s next flick so sayeth this LA Times article. “It’s … dirty, with nudity,” says Smith. “But funny nudity, not gratuitous nudity.” I’ll have to remember to explain that to my wife when the movie comes out and I mention I want to see it because it’s a Kevin Smith movie… Even more info can be found on Silent Bob Speaks.
Nectar of the gods
Ah, caffeine, how do I love thee? Jolt Cola’s held a special place in my heart for a number of years. I used to get them at a store called “Sportsman’s Corner” in Edgefield, SC, but they stopped carrying them. Jolt was nowhere to be found in this area… Flash forward to this past weekend while in Sevierville, TN, when lo and behold… I discovered Jolt Cola in a Walgreen’s. Not content with only being able to enjoy this tasty (and energizing) beverage away from home, I immediately checked a local Walgreen’s once I got back to see if they carried Jolt Cola. Sure enough: they did.
The downside is the suckers run $2.99 a pop. That’s quite a bit more than one would spend on a typical energy drink. Fortunately for me (and you, if you’re interested), ThinkGeek sells Jolt Cola by the case for a mere $2.08 per can.
So far I’ve tried the new Jolt Cola and Jolt Blue and enjoyed them both. One of my coworkers had the Jolt Ultra, a carb-free, sugar-free, lemon-tasting beverage and said it was pretty good… There are a few other flavors I would like to try, but I’ll stick to the regular Jolt Cola for now.
It’s nice to be able to find these now… even though I probably ought to cut back on my caffeine intake. Which reminds me… I’m still up, and it’s just shy of midnight… Thanks, Jolt…
Netscape Navigator 9 beta Available.
Netscape Navigator 9 beta Available. Does anybody even use the Netscape browser anymore?
Camino. Mozilla Power, Mac Style
Camino. Mozilla Power, Mac Style Just updated to Version 1.5. If you use a Mac, do yourself a favor and try out Camino. If you like Firefox, you’ll love Camino. It’s lightweight, and works especially well on my aging Macs…
Apple – MacBook Pro
Apple – MacBook Pro received a speedbump this morning. Now available with 2.2GHz or 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo chips. Anyone want to get me a 15-inch?
Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?
Google PageRank: What do we know about it? Very in-depth article… must read if you care about PageRank…
Movable Type 4
Movable Type 4 Beta Download Available. If I were to switch away from WordPress, MT would be one of my top choices…
Play music on demand with LaLa.
LaLa – “Play albums on demand, buy the ones you love.” I might just have to check this out…
Internet Health Report
Internet Health Report. See how the Tubes are doing today.