I really dig your fancy parking. (via Luke Dorny)
Nike+: 3rd Week
Today marks the start of my fourth week of walking with Nike+. Here are some stats so far:
- Number of Workouts: 11
- Total Time: 5.8 hours
- Total Calories: 5845
- Total Distance: 15.35 mi
- Average Pace: 23’06″/mi
- Farthest Workout: 2.56 mi
- Fastest 1-Mile: 20’51″/mi
I have not been tracking weight loss, though I should. (I’m hoping to buy a scale here in the next month or so.) So far though, I am really pleased with my progress. I feel better. My pace is quickening with each walk. I’ve logged some fairly long walks, and each is helping to build my stamina more and more.
I set several goals for myself after my first walk with Nike+. This morning I accomplished one of my goals: burning 5000 calories in four weeks. I succeeded with 8 days to spare. My next caloric goal is to burn 6000 calories in four weeks. It’s a little more aggressive, but not impossible. As far as my other two goals are concerned:
- Walk 50 times in 16 weeks: I have walked 10 times. I am current 1 walk ahead of my target.
- Walk 100 miles in 16 weeks: I have logged a total of 13.3 miles towards this goal. I am 5.1 miles behind my target, but I’m confident that I’ll be able to regain momentum in this area by walking more frequently. I’ve been averaging around 3 walks a week. This week I’ve walked four times, and plan on walking at least two additional times this week. If I can bump my average to around 6 walks a week, logging at least 1.1 miles per walk, I should be able to reach this goal without a problem.
Walking has become a game of sorts for me. Yes, there are obvious health benefits that come with exercise, but right now I am enjoying the improved walk times, pace, distance, etc. AND getting exercise. It doesn’t feel like work or a chore, because I am having fun with it.
RunnerPlus has been invaluable with keeping track of my daily progress. Look for another update in the coming weeks.
Net Neutrality and the DOJ
I don’t think I’ve ever chimed in on “Net Neutrality”, but reading this article this morning irritated me.
The Justice Department is against Net Neutrality, saying that “Internet service providers should be allowed to charge a fee for priority Web traffic” and “imposing a Net neutrality regulation could hamper development of the Internet and prevent service providers from upgrading or expanding their networks.”
I’m paying around $40ish a month for AT&T’s DSL Extreme 6.0. Download speeds range anywhere from 3 to 6 Mbps and upload speeds range from 384 to 512 Kbps. The moment AT&T starts manipulating how quickly I can access sites, I’m through with them. I’m paying to connect to the Internet, not their version of the Internet. If I wanted to inflict that sort of punishment on myself, I’d go back to using AOL.
The moment we lose net neutrality is the moment where ISPs start deciding what we can or cannot see based on how much we or the sites we’d like to visit are paying them. If SiteA.com doesn’t pony up with some cash, and SiteB.com does… SiteB.com’s going to be easier to access when users are connected to the ISP. It’s tantamount to the Mafia visiting local businesses soliciting for protection money.
Photoshop Express
A screenshot of the forthcoming Photoshop Express RIA sneak peeked today. (via John Nack) I could be wrong, but I have a feeling Express could be incorporated into sites like Flickr in the very near future.
Adobe AIR and HTML
Adobe AIR and HTML. Snook shares some of his experiences working with Adobe AIR in building his Twitter client, Snitter.
iPhone owners to get $100 credit
Fact: Early adopters always pay too much for new technology. Yesterday’s announcement that the iPhone would be receiving a $200 price drop created a pretty strong backlash. Enough so that an Open Letter to iPhone Owners from Steve Jobs was posted to the Apple website today. Long story short, if you bought an iPhone anytime in the past two months, you’re entitled to a $100 Apple Store or Apple Online Store credit for use towards any Apple products. Sure, it’s not the $200 extra you paid on the iPhone, but heck… it’s a down payment on one of the new iPod nano’s you’ve been drooling over since yesterday.
WP Theme: Grape Mint
Another new WordPress theme from Patrick: Grape Mint.
Microsoft Silverlight 1.0 Released
Microsoft Silverlight 1.0 was just released – and here’s the kicker: Linux is now supported as well. Is this Microsoft’s attempt at trying to get more widespread adoption of their answer to Flash? You betcha.