
  • Christmas Card List Addition

    Received this via email from my friend Erik, and thought it was worth sharing here because I love the idea:

    When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include
    the following:

    A Recovering American Soldier
    C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Center
    6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

    God bless our soldiers for doing what they do.

  • Email Standards Project

    Email Standards ProjectWhat the Web Standards Project did for the web, the Email Standards Project hopes to do for email. This new initiative, which launched today (11.28.07 @ 10am, Sydney Australia time) is one I fully support. HTML Email can serve a legitimate purpose, and it’s about time this sort of advocacy took place. I hope you’ll join me in congratulating the ESP team on their launch and in supporting the ESP any way you can in the future.

    Wondering why we need standards support in HTML email? Learn More

  • Be Thankful

    On this day, we are reminded to be thankful. I am thankful for my wife and son, my family, my friends, my job and awesome coworkers, and for God – without Him, we have nothing.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

  • Minor Updates

    Some minor site-related news:

    • Decreasing Load Time – I’ve been trying to get the site to run faster. I’ve installed several caching solutions (including WP Super Cache) and enabled articles to be gzipped, and so far the site seems more responsive to me. I’m hoping to have some time to play this weekend and remove some of the queries. If you’ve been to my site before, did you notice whether the site has been quicker to load?
    • Comment Timeouts – I am now using James McKay’s Comment Timeout Plugin for WordPress on the site. What this means to you, is that all posts will now have an expiration date for comments. If a post is popular and receives more comments than usual, it’ll stay open for comments for up to 6 months after the last comment made. For all other posts, commenting will time out after 60 days. I felt like this addition was necessary because older posts tend to be breeding grounds for comment spam, and some topics simply need to be closed…
    • Stylesheet Updates – The site will most likely appear broken in areas over the next couple of weeks. I’m going to be working on simplifying the underlying CSS of my site in preparation for a Version XVI launch towards the beginning of the year.
  • New Cloverfield trailer online

    New “Cloverfield” trailer posted online. Still has fans scratching their heads asking, “WTF?”

  • Pushin’ Pixels

    Pushin’ Pixels is a new tumblr-powered blog I’ve setup, to help eliminate some of the extra “fluff” I’ve been introducing to this site. From now on asides, quotes, links, etc. will be featured on Pushin’ Pixels. This will help me to refocus on adding more in-depth articles in the future. Speaking of which, my schedule at work has been really hectic this month, which is why posting’s been nearly non-existent. I expect that to change soon. Things tend to slow down over the holidays, and I’m more than ready for a bit of a slowdown after the pace I’ve been working this year.

  • The Nerd Handbook

    The Nerd Handbook. Required reading, if you ask me.

  • Top 100 Mac Apps

    Top 100 Mac Apps from the Lockergnome, Chris Pirillo.