Sometimes auto-complete is completely wrong. I started typing Wyatt’s email address and auto-complete suggested "homo" instead of "gomi"…
You suck at Photoshop.
You suck at Photoshop. This “tutorial” made me LOL.
Matchbox Twenty Tickets Available
I listed two fourth row tickets to the Matchbox Twenty concert in Norfolk, Virginia scheduled for 10 Feb 08 up on eBay, if anyone might be interested. My wife and I already had tickets for the 28 Jan show in Atlanta, GA at the Philips Arena, and thought we might go to this second show as well, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to swing it.
WordPress 2.3.2
WordPress 2.3.2 is now available. It “is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts.” I just upgraded without any problems. More info on what’s new in 2.3.2 can be found here.
End of support for Netscape browsers.
End of support for Netscape browsers. Thus ends an era that lasted far longer than most might have imagine. Netscape, I salute you and your contributions to the web over the years.
Hell hath frozen over.
I’m not proud of it, but I went ahead and setup a MySpace page: This is the third time I’ve had an account… and there’s no telling how long I might keep it. I used Mike Davidson’s Hacking a More Tasteful MySpace to make my profile page not as ugly as what they give as a default. I’m not sure how much I will use it… And to be honest, I’m using it because some friends/neighbors are using it…
Happy Holidays
It feels weird to be unplugged for extended amounts of time. I’ve only checked my email a handful of times since I took time off from work on December 21st. I don’t go back until January 2nd, but the time off has definitely been good for me. Sleeping in, hanging out with friends and playing video games are things I’ve done without this past year as work demands have made it near impossible to have any semblance of a “real life”.
Since I didn’t get around to doing it earlier this week… Merry Belated Christmas… hope you were able to spend time with friends and family. Both my family and Kim’s live here locally, so we’re able to spend it with them. It was Tyler’s second Christmas, but the first where he was fully aware of what was going on around him. Next year will be much more interesting with him, I’d imagine.
I had a good Christmas. I was fortunate enough to receive a Logitech Harmony 670 Universal Remote, tons of giftcards, Heroes Season 1 DVD set, Lost Season 3 DVD Set, Brain Age 1 & 2 for the Nintendo DS, several Star Wars Clonetrooper figures (including a hard to find Clone Commander #33 figure). All in all, I had a great Christmas.
I hope you and yours have a safe and memorable New Years. I’m sure by this weekend I’ll be raring to get back to being productive at work.
Big Day for Microsoft
Today was a big day for Microsoft. First, IE Desktop Online Web Browser Live Professional Ultimate Edition for the Internet aka IE8 passed the Acid2 Test. Secondly, the Windows XP SP3 Release Candidate is now in the wild.
I’m more excited about the IE8 news, to be honest. Having IE8 passing the Acid Test could mean less trouble for web designers/developers in the future. Sure, IE6 and IE7 won’t go away anytime soon, but if Microsoft were to push the browser as a critical update, it might see widespread adoption fairly quickly.