Author: Chris Harrison

  • 8-Point Star Flower

    8-Point Flower is the first of several pattern packs I’ll be releasing over the next few weeks. (If you like these, please let me know!) It’s inspired by Islamic geometric patterns (which are pretty fascinating/incredible, I might add).  The zip file contains: 6 PNGs (2 transparent versions not shown); Adobe Illustrator CS5 (.ai) files –…

  • Using data sets and variables in Photoshop

    Hop on over to the OnWired blog where I’ve posted a brief tutorial on how to start working with variables and data sets in Photoshop. When I spoke in front of RefreshColumbia/CAUG a couple of months ago, I showed a brief demo of how to do this and many in attendance didn’t know this was…

  • Weightloss

    Officially I’m down 17.2 lbs overall, but I didn’t weigh-in this past weekend. (I’m certain I’ve gained since last weigh-in.) I’ve started making excuses for myself. I haven’t been active. I’ve been feeling pretty defeated. WeightWatchers works, but I haven’t kept track of my Points, and I’ve allowed myself to cheat far too often. When…

  • 15 Days Down

    It’s been 15 days since I started my “hiatus” from Facebook and Twitter. It hasn’t gone quite as I had hoped. I still find myself reading Twitter from time to time and I’ve played some games on Facebook, but overall my usage of both sites is significantly down. I feel like I’m missing out on…

  • Strange Encounter

    Last night, around 11:30pm, I was on the way home from picking Kim and my niece up from the Daughtry concert. We stopped at a Burger King to get something to drink and eat for the two of them. While in the drive-thru I was approached by an older woman who asked if we could…

  • CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development

    CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development. Great post and great advice from my friend Emily Lewis.

  • Support

    The 5by5 network has created the premiere network of podcasts for geeks, designers and developers. Their broadcasts are free, but now you can support the shows by becoming a supporter. If you’re not familiar with 5by5, my personal favorite is The Big Web Show hosted by Dan Benjamin & Jeffrey Zeldman. But, to be honest,…

  • Enabling Extensions for Safari 5

    Safari 5 was released yesterday, and it finally allows third-party extensions. The inability to extend the browser was one of the things that kept me going back to Firefox, and forced others to switch to Chrome. So about those Extensions… They ability to add them isn’t turned on by default. (Probably because your average user…

  • Stormtrooper Effect

    The Stormtrooper Effect attempts to explain why Stormtroopers are such lousy shots. tl;dr: They aren’t lousy shots. It’d be stupid to allow a minor character to kill a major character before the story moves along.

  • Hunt the iPad

    OnWired HQ infiltrated. Enemy agent escaped with iPad. Your objective: locate agent and recover device. First operative to complete mission will receive iPad. Intel on enemy agent’s whereabouts to be distributed via Twitter. Follow @onwired to be kept apprised. The search has begun. If you’ve figured something out, share what you know.