Over on the ESV Bible Blog, an announcement was just made regarding changes to the ESV Web Service. It now has its own domain: www.esvapi.org. Read the full details: ESV Web Service Update: New Domain.
Author: Chris Harrison
Email Standards Project
The Email Standards Project website is coming soon. Sign up to be notified when the site launches. (Plus, feel free to join the Email Standards Project Facebook group.)
For the past week I’ve been testing out several Beta applications associated with Windows Live. I initially learned about them while upgrading to the latest Windows Live Writer Beta. What I’ve seen so far has been exceptional. The unified interfaces, ease of use, and quick responsiveness have earned these apps a place in my daily workflow. In this article, I’ll cover some of the things I love and hate about Windows Live Writer Beta, Windows Live Mail Beta, and Windows Live Photo Gallery and how I’m using them now.
An Event Apart 2008
Locations and a few dates have been announced for An Event Apart 2008:
- New Orleans – March or April (date TBA)
- Boston – May 19 & 20
- San Francisco – August 18 & 19
- Chicago – October or November (date TBA)
Depending on when the New Orleans AEA occurs, I may try to go to it. (I’m going to Disney in April.) I attended the AEA in Atlanta in 2006 and thoroughly enjoyed it.
If I get the go ahead to go, I’ll definitely announce it here. If you’re planning on attending, let me know!
Premailer for HTML Email
Premailer: Preflight for HTML e-mail. Put that in your toolbox. It could prove useful.
ESV on AIR and iPhone and Dashboard.
Upcoming Articles
I’ve been working on a couple of lengthy articles that I should have available on the site soon. The first is a review of Litmus, an email and browser testing web app. The second article is a review of the Light content management system.
How much of a movie freak are you?
How much of a movie freak are you? I’m slipping in my old years. I scored a pathetic 46%.
jQuery Crash Course
jQuery Crash Course. Excellent article by Nathan Smith.