Webmaster Jam Session 2007 – Podcasts now available. Better late than never! I can’t wait to listen to them.
Author: Chris Harrison
Veer’s Top 10 Type Stories of 2007
Veer’s Top 10 Type Stories of 2007. Surprisingly, I haven’t picked any of these up … and I’ve gotten quite a few fonts via Veer. Hmm… I wonder if these are the top ten best sellers, or just ten of the most interesting fonts they’ve added to their catalog this year?
I finally took the plunge and switched over to using Sandbox for WordPress. I’m hoping to have some time over the coming weeks to apply my own design to it… for the time being, this one will work. Stay tuned.
So long, CompUSA
It was announced today that CompUSA will be closing all of its remaining 103 stores. While most people will celebrate this, given CompUSA’s less than stellar customer service, I mourn the news. See, in Augusta there aren’t many options for buying computer hardware. There are a few local computer shops, such as ComputerOne, and several big box stores like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target and Circuit City… but that’s it. Our only other option is to buy online. Goodbye, CompUSA.
HD Photo Plugin for Adobe Photoshop
HD Photo Plugin for Adobe Photoshop. (HD Photo, also known as Windows Media Photo, is a possible successor to the JPEG format. (more)
What would Neil Patrick Harris do?
What would Neil Patrick Harris do? He’d tell you to drop everything and see Harold & Kumar 2 next year.
Year 29
Today, I am 29 years old. I don’t feel any older, but the ever-appearing gray hairs I’m getting say otherwise. If you had asked me ten years ago where I thought I’d be at Age 29, I doubt I would have been able to say that I’d be where I am.
Look up and be amazed.
This photo was taken outside the offices of PowerServe in Augusta, GA on November 27, 2007. This beautiful scene stayed in place and gradually shifted through shades of orange and pink for nearly a half hour. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life. (View more photos in this set.)
BTW, if you dig the photo, consider digging it. Thanks!