So very true. Meetings are toxic.
Author: Chris Harrison
Everything is better wrapped in bacon. “Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”— Doug Larson
Microsoft recently released the Oomph Microformats toolkit and Emily drafted an excellent writeup on it.
International Browser Upgrade Day
Let’s face it: as designers and developers, dealing with antiquated browsers sucks. That’s why I’m calling for an International Browser Upgrade Day. It doesn’t matter when we do it, we just need to do it.
It’s official: August 27, 2009 will be International Browser Upgrade Day. J. Cornelius and Emily Lewis are assisting me in getting a site off the ground for it. More info will be made available soon. Mark your calendars.
If each of us could convince at least one person in our (personal and/or professional) life to upgrade, imagine what we could do to accelerate the demise of browsers like Internet Explorer 6.
We can do this.
Cursebird: What the f#@! is everyone swearing about? You people kiss your mother’s with that mouth? ;)
Microsoft’s new Web Application Installer provides support for popular ASP.Net and PHP Web applications including Graffiti, DotNetNuke, WordPress, Drupal, OSCommerce and more. I’m really happy to see Microsoft moving in this direction. (ht: Matt)
SyntaxHighlighter Plus. Just enabled this on the site. It should make it easier for me to share code snippets from now on.
CS4 is out the door. I’m definitely going to upgrade. CS4 is jam-packed with new features and UI enhancements that will change the way you work.
If you’re interested in Microformats, do yourself a favor and head over to my friend Emily Lewis’ site A Blog Not Limited. I’ve been played with Microformats for a while, but these informative articles pushed me over the edge:
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 1: rel-based
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 2: XFN
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 3: hCard
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 4: hCalendar
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 5: hAtom
- Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 6: hResume (coming soon!)
I should also note that my site now incorporates hCard, hCalendar and hAtom. Microformats FTW!