Author: Chris Harrison

  • where the fock have you been?

    kay, so i left without saying g’bye to you folks. my bad. i just spent the weekend in virginia with my girlfriend kim. we were up there attending my friend heather’s wedding. (congrats heather and donald!!) the whole weekend went pretty well and i even dressed up … in a tux even! maybe i’ll have…

  • where art thou?

    it’s 12:21am. my girlfriend is still out of town and i really miss her a lot. i haven’t really been apart from her all that much, and i guess it’s not a feeling i really enjoy having. i feel kinda empty without her. i know, i know… it’s all so sappy… anyways, i’m having a…

  • beautiful monday morning

    you know, for having stayed up last til 3am, i feel alright. i’m a goofball, i know. why were you up til 3, you ask? well… easy, really. i wasn’t all that tired. i was up late trying to figure how to incorporate templates files into an html document that’s being hosted on a unix…

  • i hate being busy

    sorry for the lack of updates. i’ve been busy over the past couple of days. i was working on some final touches on i did an initial concept that i grew to hate, so i took the time to “improve” the look. i’m notorious for that. anyways, here’s the old one [bellranger] (link removed.…

  • Bills, Bills, Bills

    god, i hate bills. they suck ass. i hate how i see most of my check sucked away so i can pay bills. i work to pay bills. i work to pay taxes. i’m getting it from both ends now. it’s funny how someone can make x amount of money and the government will take…


    it’s 11:35am, and my site is now online. i’ll be porting over old content throughout the day. hope you enjoy.

  • The Morning’s a Blur

    ever wake up and have your vision so blurred you can barely see two feet in front of you. i swear.. the past couple of mornings it has seemed like that for me… my eyes must be sealed shut by sleep or something. i guess it’s not really a big deal. i see fine after…

  • the virginia wedding

    my best friend heather is getting married next weekend. it’s crazy to think about actually. to think that someone i went to school with is getting hitched. were still young. it doesn’t seem like school was all that long ago… but it has been. sure, for me i’ve only been out of high school for…

  • Off to Work I Go

    i overslept a little this morning. i set my alarm clock to go off at 6:30am this morning thinking it might be good for me to wake up. my tired ass disagreed with me. (of course.) so i hit snooze… eyes blurred from sleep… trying to figure out which buttons do what so i might…

  • Purpose

    after a little bit of consideration, i’ve decided to just make this site a depository for my thoughts and feelings alone. (at least for the time being anyways.)