it’s gonna be one of those days

great, now the internet is screwed up here at work. i hate peachnet. why must we be on a state-run pipeline? in case i hadn’t mentioned it before, the company i work for is located just outside of augusta technical college. actually, we’re in a building that is managed by atc, so technically, i guess you could say we’re on the campus of atc. anyways, i digress. because of that affiliation with the school, our building receives internet access from the state through the atc servers. usually, we get a pretty reliable signal. since yesterday afternoon though, it’s been unbearable. i’d rather have dialup right now. at least i could get some freaking work done. as a matter of fact, i’m typing this at work right now, but i probably won’t be able to upload it until later on tonight. sucks, huh? anyways, i’ll stop bitching. it’s not very becoming of me, is it? all i know is: if this isn’t fixed soon, i’m going home to get some work done. i can’t deal with this crap all day long.
