Month: July 2001

  • good lord, i’m tired…

    i was at Linda’s house til past 11pm last night trying to restore her power mac g3 to working condition. i’m almost amazed that i was able to do it. it’s not often that you’re able to restore a hard drive to working order. i arrived at her house in edgefield just after 5pm. when…

  • hey…again

    over the course of the next weeks, i see myself growing more and more busy. not that i mind though. staying busy helps keep me out of trouble. anyways, it’s just here after midnight. i’m trying to straighten my room up. i’m watching ‘enter the dragon’ on dvd. bruce lee kicks serious ass. it’s pretty…

  • hey…

    i know, i suck. i haven’t updated the site in a few days. i’ve been busy. i wish today was friday. my day didn’t start off very well. my boss has had problems printing to one of our printers. so, he reconfigured the printer so that he would be able to print to it now.…

  • i ate crickets

    my aunt carole would be proud of me right now. just a few minutes ago i ate crickets. chocolate covered crickets. and guess what, they weren’t bad either. some old lady at the ice cream parlor even took my picture because she was so astonished i ate crickets. cool huh? i’ve never been the adventurous…

  • Palm’s are Kewl!

    This is my first entry to the website, prepped exclusively on my Palm m100. I tell ya, I really can’t imagine how I got along without one of these before. I feel like I’m more organized than ever before. Anyway, my meeting with the SGA Executive Council went remarkably well. They really love the concept…

  • Need some grub. Like now.

    man, here it is at 10:15am in the morning and i feel pretty damn good, albeit a little tired. i slept pretty good last night. i’m a little hungry this morning. need to see what i got’s in the house to munch on baked lays maybe?

  • I went home.

    i got fed up with the lack of a reliable host at work, so i left t come home. i figured that i would be able to get more work done here because my connection would be more reliable. since the tech came and fixed my cable modem service yesterday things have been groovy, but…

  • it’s gonna be one of those days

    great, now the internet is screwed up here at work. i hate peachnet. why must we be on a state-run pipeline? in case i hadn’t mentioned it before, the company i work for is located just outside of augusta technical college. actually, we’re in a building that is managed by atc, so technically, i guess…

  • the anticipation is too great

    one of these days, i’m going to make it to new york to sit in on a live keynote address being delivered by steve jobs. i must! i must! here it is… just minutes before the latest stevenote, and i’ve got butterflies. what will be announced next? what will apple deliver that we’ve never seen…

  • Stupid Computer

    for some reason or another, my internet at home went down last night. whether it was the result of my own tinkering with my computer, or a failure of the cable modem… i don’t know. what i do know is, on thursday i’ve got to chill at home all morning so a tech can come…