
black-120x90The WordPress community gives much of itself to users who don’t always give back. These themes are my (small) contribution to the community:

  • Effercio Blue – A two-column theme for WordPress. Support WordPress tags, dynamic sidebar and widgets, and includes custom link and archive page styles. Future plans for this theme include adding additional color variations. This theme and its accompanying elements are released under GPLDownload Theme | View Demo)
  • Nanideska – A simple two-column theme based on an earlier iteration of This theme and its accompanying elements are released under GPLDownload Nanideska | View Demo

I’ll be releasing updated versions of them before the end of 2009. If you’d like to be notified when they’re released, follow @cdharrison on Twitter.

The theme demos are currently down. But will return soon.

Want to be notified about their re-launch or any new themes I have in development? Signup for my notification list. No worries, you won’t be spammed. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

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