Tag: iab

  • Add IAB Ad Sizes to Photoshop CS3 Defaults

    1. Go to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Required
    2. Open: Default New Doc Sizes.txt
    3. Add the following somewhere in the file:You can also do this in CS3. A few IAB ad sizes are actually included by default:
      ; Interactive Marketing Unit (IMU) ad formats, defined by the
      ; Interactive Advertising Bureau, <http://www.iab.net/>
      "Medium Rectangle, 300 x 250"	300	 250	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Rectangle, 180 x 50"		180	  50	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Leaderboard, 728 x 90"		728	  90	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Wide Skyscraper, 160 x 600"	160	 600	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0

      You can replace those entries with this to get all of the default IAB ad sizes into Photoshop CS3:

      ; Interactive Marketing Unit (IMU) ad formats, defined by the
      ; Interactive Advertising Bureau, <http://www.iab.net/>
      "Button 1, 120 x 90"		120	  90	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Button 2, 120 x 60"		120	  60	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Full Banner, 468 x 68"		468	  68	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Half Banner, 234 x 60"		234	  60	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Half Page Ad, 300 x 600"	300	 600	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Large Rectangle, 336 x 280"	336	 280	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Leaderboard, 728 x 90"		28	  90	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Medium Rectangle, 300 x 250"	300	 250	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Micro Bar, 88 x 31"		88	  31	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Rectangle, 180 x 150"		180	 150	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Skyscraper, 120 x 600"		120	 600	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Square Button, 125 x 125"	125	 125	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Square Pop-Up, 250 x 250"	250	 250	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Vertical Banner, 120 x 240"	120	 240	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Vertical Rectangle, 240 x 400"	240	 400	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
      "Wide Skyscraper, 160 x 600"	160	 600	pixels	screen dpi RGB 8 1.0
    4. Restart Photoshop CS3.
    5. The new IAB ad sizes will be available when you create a new document, and choose the Web preset.
  • Add IAB Ad Sizes to Photoshop CS2 Defaults

    I’ve been working on banner ads for a client for several weeks now and found the following modification to Photoshop CS2 to be a HUGE timesaver. You can use this tip to create any sort of page size defaults, if you wish!Obviously, this tip is for the Windows version of Photoshop…

    1. Go to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Required
    2. Open: Default New Doc Sizes.txt
    3. Add the following somewhere in the file:
      ; Standard IAB web banner sizes"Button 1"			120	90	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Button 2"			120	60	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Full Banner"			468	68	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Half Banner"			234	60	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Half Page Ad"			300	600	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Large Rectangle"		336	280	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Leaderboard"			728	90	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Medium Rectangle"		300	250	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Micro Bar"			88	31	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Rectangle"			180	150	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Skyscraper"			120	600	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Square Button"			125	125	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Square Pop-Up"			250	250	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Vertical Banner"		120	240	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Vertical Rectangle"		240	400	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"Wide Skyscraper"		160	600	pixels		screen dpi RGB 8 1.0"separator"
    4. Restart Photoshop CS2.

    Now, when you want to create a new document, you’ll have all of the IAB standard sizes at your disposal.