Tag: Browser

  • Firefox 3 add-ons I can’t live without.

    Today Mozilla officially released Firefox 3. If you haven’t grabbed it yet, what are you waiting for? These are some of the extensions that I now use: AnyColor – Currently available for the Windows version of Firefox 3 only, this add-on lets you shift the color/appearance of your current theme on the fly. It works…

  • Testing out the Flock 1.0 Beta RC3

    Flock has come a long way since I first used it. When I heard that Flock was nearing 1.0, I figured I’d give the latest release a shot. So far, I’m impressed. Everything works a lot smoother. Integration with social networks is easy to setup. I’ve got Facebook, Flickr and Twitter pouring updates into a…

  • W3C Relaunches HTML Activity

    Wow… this was one of the geekier things I read today… but it’s important to those of that work on the web. There’s news from the W3C that work on HTML is going to be relaunched… Recognizing the importance of an open forum for the development of the predominant Web content technology, W3C today invites…

  • Microsoft Asking for IE8 Suggestions

    Microsoft starts gathering IE 8 input – Microsoft has contacted a number of beta testers to seek input it will use to customize Internet Explorer (IE) 8, the next version of its Web browser. IE 8 is expected to ship 18 to 24 months after IE 7, which Microsoft released last fall, making Version 8.0…