Tag: aol

  • RIP: Netscape.com

    Rest in Peace, Netscape.com. You tried damn hard to be just like Digg, and failed miserably. (via TechCrunch) The fact that they changed Netscape from a news/entertainment portal (which it did fairly well as) and changed it to a social news aggregator still boggles the mind. Fairly soon the site will redirect to http://netscape.aol.com/.

  • Speaking of Google…

    Speaking of Google… Whatever happened to the promised instant messaging interoperability between AOL and Google Talk? Google released a press release on the matter on December 20, 2005 and to this day nothing has happened on either side. What gives? I know there are other applications, such as Trillian that already support multiple IM protocols/connections,…

  • And here I thought it was my fault…

    I experienced intermittent connectivity issues with AOL Instant Messenger. I thought it was just issues with my internet connection… Seems I was not alone: ‘Glitch’ Keeps Some AIM Users Offline AOL told BetaNews Wednesday afternoon it is in the process of resolving a “technical glitch” that is affecting a limited number of AIM users. The…

  • AOL Triton Update

    It looks like AOL is giving it’s popular Instant Messaging app: AOL Instant Messenger a brand makeover. The logo shown to the right features the new AIM “speech balloon” that is prevalent in marketing materials promoting the new AIM Triton Beta client. I’m surprised that AOL has taken this step to brand AIM more than…