Author: Chris Harrison

  • Nerdfotainment.

    Nerdfotainment. Another excellent piece by Rands. A must read.

  • gArchiver

    gArchiver: What happened? Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt. The lesson to be learned from this debacle? Don’t install third-party apps with reckless abandon. Sure, they might look great on the surface, but they could put your private data at risk without you even realizing it.

  • Cleanup

    I’m getting closer to being finished with this iteration of the site. The cool thing is that I am using this theme to power our company blog, so all of the changes I make here benefit it as well.

    • I cleaned up the comments area of each page. Comments should be considerably more usable.
    • The search field up top and on the Archives / Search page use some Safari-specific code which add additional functionality. (If you’re using Safari for Mac or PC, your recent searches are saved.)
    • A number of backend/admin things were fixed which will make maintaining the site easier.

    A few things are still lingering out there…

    • Search results page(s) need stylization.
    • Create Portfolio section.
    • Enhance Theme section.
  • Design is in the Details

    Design is in the details. I’ve been saying this for years. Great article.

  • Fire the Workaholics

    37Signals: Fire the workaholics. Been there, done that. I work a lot, but not as much as I used to. I get burned out pretty quickly when I work 60+ hr weeks. Burnout leads to sloppiness. Do I think workaholics should be fired? No. But I do think they need to re-evaluate why they’re spending as much time working as they do.

  • Living Up to Our Committment

    Toyota: Living Up to Our Committment. My next vehicle may very well be a Toyota just because of this. It’s nice to see a company support their product above and beyond what might be expected of them.

  • Google Calendar Sync

    Finally, there’s an official solution from Google for syncing Google Calendars with Microsoft Outlook: Google Calendar Sync.

  • Jackie Moon Old Spice Commercials

    Jackie Moon Old Spice Commercials. Absolutely hilarious. I seriously need to go see Semi-Pro. (Hat tip: Maniacal Rage)

  • More thoughts on the changes in IE8

    UPDATE: IE8 Beta 1 is now available for download. I’d recommend installing Virtual PC and then grabbing the latest Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image (Virtual Hard Disk Image for testing websites on IE on Windows XP SP2). That way you can conduct browser testing in a more controlled environment, as opposed to eradicating your local install of IE6 or IE7…

    Some people will say Microsoft caved; others, that they listened to public opinion; some may even buy the company’s own explanation, which is that, given a company-wide reorientation away from proprietary winner-take-all competitiveness and toward interoperability, “web standards by default” takes precedence over “supporting all those badly made websites that were created specifically to work in IE.” Jeffrey Zeldman

    Did Microsoft cave, or did it see the light? It’s hard to imagine a company as large as Microsoft “getting it” all of a sudden, but stranger things have happened. Zeldman’s post gathers many of the arguments for and against IE8’s proposed version targeting. It’s definitely worth a read. I for one am glad that Microsoft has chosen to go the more difficult route and support standards first.

  • Trying to Believe

    I started a live design a week or so ago, but wasn’t happy with where it was going. That’s why – if you’re visiting the site, and not reading this via RSS – there’s a new design. It’s not quite there yet, but it’s a lot better than what I previously had. The header image comes from the new Ghosts I-IV album by Nine Inch Nails. (If you haven’t bought a copy of it yet, it’s quite good.)

    (As of right now, the site probably looks best in Safari, but I’m working to improve compatibility with other browsers. CSS stuff like text-shadow is only going to be available in the most modern browsers that support it, though.)