Author: Chris Harrison

  • Superman No More

    it’s early. i just got into work and i feel tired. i woke up early to go to the hospital for a blood pressure check. i haven’t felt all that great lately. i’m sure i hadn’t mentioned it before so i’ll go into a little detail with this… my health sucks. i tried to give…

  • Feelings

    i don’t do feelings all that well. my girlfriend tells me that a lot. i know this to be true, and yet, i don’t really make the effort to change the fact that i don’t allow myself the pleasure of “emotions” all of the time. my achilles heel i suppose. i’m actually feeling pretty good…

  • a new beginning?

    as you can see, i’ve pulled my site offline. don’t worry, it’s temporary. i’m going to take a little time off and try to get things better organized on the site. i know a few of you may be disappointed for my doing this, but the site is not getting the attention it deserves from…

  • A Long Overdue Update!

    Here it is… Memorial Day weekened. The sun is out. It’s totally beautiful outside, and here I am, making updates to my website. Have I got my priorities out of whack or what? Oh well. Who cares, right? Like I really need a tan… hehehe. Actually, the reason for this update is quite simple: I…

  • Man, it is so nice to have a break.

    Man, it is so nice to have a break. School is over. I got an A in Publication Production II (whodathunkit?) and a B in Political Methodology. I did alright. And the grades raised my GPA a little bit. I’ve got a 2.25 now. I’ll raise it up higher! I swear! And my cumulative GPA…

  • Wow. It’s May already.

    Wow. It’s May already. Can you believe it? Yesterday was quite cool. Though, I’ve got to admit that I am tired as hell this morning. The townhouse I’m now living is pretty roomy. We got about 95% of our stuff moved in. Now comes the fun part of trying to get everything unpacked, put in…

  • God, this weekend has been hell.

    God, this weekend has been hell. I worked until the wee hours of the night trying to get my paper on the emergence of right wing groups in France finished. I’m a moron for procrastinating for so long to get the damn thing done. I’m praying to get at least a D on the paper.…

  • A quick update

    Progress has been slow on updating this site to the point where I had my old one, and for that I apologize. I’ve got a 15 page paper to wrap up for Methodology before Monday and some packing to do this weekend in preparation for my move on Monday night. Needless to say, this weekend…

  • Referendum Passes

    Here’s what we voted on: FINAL RESULTS LOCAL REFERENDUM “Shall a one percent sales and use tax for educational purposes of the Columbia County School District (the “School District”) be reimposed within Columbia County for a maximum period of time of 20 calendar quarters, for the purposes of providing funds to pay (1) the cost…

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sent to the Bell Ringer, Augusta State University’s student newspaper on 3/21/2001: Marriot Food Service’s decision to trim its services does a great disservice to the faculty, staff and students here at Augusta State University. I think that the decision to cut the hot line from the school lunch room was a bad idea. Not…